PT GARUDA Indonesia Tbk. presenting a special promo for ticket discounts of up to 50% ahead of the 73rd anniversary.

According to the President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, the special promo is available on various favorite routes such as Jakarta-Palembang, Jakarta-Gorontalo, Jakarta-Denpasar, Jakarta-Aceh and Jakarta-Banjarmasin starting from IDR730,000 for one way to additional discounts of up to IDR730,000.

“This special promotion is in collaboration with a number of partner banks. The offer is valid for ticket purchases on January 24-30, 2022 with a flight period until January 9, 2023,” he said through a press release, Wednesday (1/26).

In addition to presenting flight ticket promos, Irfan said the company also presents various added values ​​for GarudaMiles members, including by launching GarudaMiles EC+ which is a paid GarudaMiles membership with more benefits including additional insurance.

Furthermore, service users who place an order for the period 26 January-12 February 2022 will get additional benefits in the form of a special card design for the 73rd anniversary of Garuda Indonesia, limited edition and 5 access to GA Lounges in Jakarta, Denpasar and Medan as well as a redemption discount of 10%.

“In the midst of efforts to restore performance which we are currently strengthening, it is hoped that the presence of this program can not only provide a variety of value-added options for aviation services for the community but can also be expected to make a positive contribution to the national economic recovery, especially through the tourism sector,” he concluded. [sources /special photo]