GARUDA INDONESIA will officially re-open international flights from Narita Japan to Denpasar, Bali starting February 3, 2022. The arrival will be the first since I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport opened for international flights last October 2021.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in Jakarta in a Weekly Press Briefing, Monday (1/31) said that the quarantine period for foreign tourists to Bali will also be enforced for 5 days. The ones in Bali will actually be announced soon because they have just received the approval of President Jokowi.

“The concept is that for 5 days we will start on February 4, 2022. The system is resort quarantine or hotel-based quarantine. The arrival of foreign tourists to Bali starting on February 4 is not limited to 19 countries but for tourists who enter using an e-visa,” he said.

He explained, so this policy (5-day quarantine and e-visa) will soon be tested on February 4, 2022, and has confirmed direct flights from Narita Japan to Denpasar Bali using Garuda Indonesia.

“In addition, Singapore Airlines has also announced daily flights from Singapore to Denpasar starting February 16, 2022. This is what we will continue to prepare and implement, because since October it was announced that Bali has been opened to 19 countries, but to this day there have been no direct flights,” he said.

He added that this time we are modifying the policy so that we can maintain this momentum of revival well. In addition, this will also be a good test before the G20, especially side meetings, which can be carried out with the concept of handling the pandemic from Indonesia, which has been recognized by the world as best practice. [ special]