INDONESIA’S Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno said the hotel occupancy rate during the 2023 Christmas and New Year holidays was very encouraging. Hotel occupancy rates during the Christmas & New Year holiday were very positive for tourist destinations such as Bandung, Yogyakarta, Solo and Bali. In general, favorite hotels in tourist destination areas are 100% full during this holiday period.

“And some of the overall room occupancy rates reach 80 to 90% for the South and North Coastal regions of Java Island,” Sandiaga said in “Weekly Press Briefing”, Monday (01/02), 2023 online.

Sandiaga conveyed data related to the number of passengers on flights while the Christmas and New Year moment was still being calculated. However, according to data from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, it has been recorded as serving 624,925 passengers, with an average of 56,811 people/day since the opening of the Christmas and New Year Air Transport Post on December 19-29 2022, and serving as many as 3,776 aircraft movements. Where 2,265 are movements for domestic aircraft and 1,511 for international movements.

The results of a survey by the Transportation Policy Agency of the Ministry of Transportation said that there were 44.2 million people moving during the Christmas and New Year holidays, with 9.1 million people traveling at Christmas, 19.4 million people at Christmas and New Year, and 15.6 million during the year. new. During this movement, 11.02% or 4.8 million people used air transportation.

The five destinations for the most movements during the Christmas and New Year periods are based on the same survey by the Transportation Policy Agency of the Ministry of Transportation, namely: (1). Central Java with a predicted movement of 8.7 million people; (2). East Java with a predicted movement of 7.7 million people; (3). West Java with a predicted movement of 6.5 million people; (4). Jabodetabek with predictions of community movements of 4.7 million people; (5). Yogyakarta with a predicted movement of 3.6 million people.

Meanwhile, cities/regencies in tourist areas that are the destinations for the most movements during Christmas and New Year’s are: (1). Yogyakarta with a movement potential of 1.9 million people; (2). Bandung Regency with a movement potential of 1.3 million people; (3) Malang Regency with a movement potential of 1.19 million people; (4). Bandung City with a movement potential of 1.18 million people; (5). Bogor Regency with a potential movement of 988.8 thousand people.

Christmas and New Year’s moments are also a blessing for tourist destinations. For example, Ragunan until Sunday, January 1 2022 at 12.00 WIB had been visited by 34,621 people; Ancol until Sunday, January 1 2022 at 12.00 WIB has been visited by 15,000 people.

Sandiaga also explained that the repeal of implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) on December 30, 2022 was a breath of fresh air for tourists. However, he reminded tourists to prioritize health, safety, and echo the CHSE certification program and take lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said that there was no longer any PCR or antigen test for foreign tourists, including from China, even though the PPKM had been revoked. It is known that several countries such as the United States, India, Japan and a number of other countries are limiting the entry of Chinese tourists due to the increasing number of COVID-19.

“So, earlier when reporting to the President, I said, because we can control the pandemic relatively well, and the revival of tourism, especially the arrival of tourists from China, has been long awaited with great care, we will still treat it as it is now without any PCR tests, travel warnings. , so that the narrative that we convey is that Indonesia welcomes foreign tourists with caution,” said Sandiaga.

The Ministry of Tourism is optimistic that the target of 250,000 tourists from China can be met, but remains vigilant, namely preparedness to monitor, especially from the health aspect. As is known, the impact of tourists from China visiting Indonesia is quite large. This is because in 2019 Chinese tourists are in second place as contributors of foreign tourists to Indonesia with 2 million visits.

“Let’s work on this Chinese market with enthusiasm, but we focus on quality and sustainable, longer stay, and also increase in terms of spending on the local economy, so this is our hope,” Sandiaga concluded. []