PT INDOBUILCO, a company owned by Pontjo Sutowo, was asked to vacate the Sultan Hotel Jakarta no later than Friday evening (9/29), 2023 at 24.00 WIB or exactly 12 o’clock last night. This was emphasized by the Gelora Bung Karno Area Complex Management Center (PPKGBK) in its summons.

PPKGBK’s attorney, Saor Siagian, explained that PPKGBK is still waiting for goodwill from PT Indobuildco to vacate the Sultan Hotel by no later than Friday, 24.00 WIB.

“The point is, we will be persuasive. From this moment on we are legally and morally responsible, we are waiting for [Indobuildco to vacate] until 24.00 WIB,” said Saor when met at the GBK Complex, Friday (9/29), 2023.

However, based on monitoring up to 21.00 WIB, the Sultan Hotel Jakarta was observed to still be operating normally. The hotel yard seemed to be filled with a number of vehicles, ranging from ordinary vehicles to red plates.

A GLC 250 car with Ministry of Defense plates was also seen parked in the lobby of the Sultan Hotel Jakarta. However, it is not known for certain who owns the hotel. When conducting a search last night, it was also observed that the hotel lobby and lounge areas were still quite busy with a number of visitors.

Previously, National Police Chief General, Listyo Sigit Prabowo, stated that the National Police was ready to oversee the process of vacating the Sultan Hotel from Pontjo Sutowo to return it to the state.

“Of course the National Police will oversee the process that will be carried out to return state-owned assets or land back to the state,” Listyo stated.

It was also mentioned that the previous court decision had permanent legal force and needed to be executed immediately. If not, he said it could give rise to potential criminal charges.

Apart from that, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, said that the process of vacating the GBK area or Hotel Sultan Jakarta, would later be supervised by law enforcement with a persuasive approach. We hope that it will be emptied properly. [ special]