GARUDA Indonesia is increasing flight frequency on five international routes starting March 31 2024 due to increasing visits from foreign tourists. Garuda President Director Irfan Setiaputra said the effort was to increase the company’s income.
“This step is in line with the company’s focus to continue to move more agilely by optimizing income from network development steps that are carried out wisely,” said Irfan Setiaputra in a written statement on Friday, (03/01), 2024.
He said that these efforts were in line with the company’s projections by increasing the company’s production equipment, including increasing the fleet by around 80 aircraft by the end of 2024.
The increase in various international flight frequencies was carried out through two Indonesian aviation hubs, namely Jakarta and Denpasar. The two hubs open direct flights from Sydney, Melbourne, Seoul and Haneda, with the routes Sydney-Denpasar, Melbourne-Denpasar, Seoul-Jakarta, Seoul-Denpasar and Haneda (Tokyo)-Jakarta. Flights are made both back and forth.
With the additional frequency, Garuda Indonesia will operate flights between Jakarta and Tokyo 7 times per week, from previously 4 times per week. Meanwhile, the addition of four routes will be implemented in stages starting July 2024.
Following are the route details and number of services: (1). Denpasar-Sydney is served 7 times (from previously 4 times) per week, (2). Denpasar-Melbourne 7 times (from previously 4 times) per week, (3). Jakarta-Seoul 5 times (from previously 4 times) per week, (4). Denpasar-Seoul 7 times (from previously 4 times) per week.
Irfan hopes that Garuda Indonesia can contribute to realizing the government’s target of increasing foreign tourist visits by 2024 by 68% from the previous year.
“Garuda Indonesia as the national flag carrier is committed to continuing to make a positive contribution to the national tourism ecosystem which is carried out through the presence of safe, comfortable and diverse air accessibility,” concluded Irfan. [sources/photo special]