THE MINISTRY of Tourism and Creative Economy together with the Indonesian Rock-Climbing Federation (FPTI) are synergizing in implementing the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) for Rock Climbing Guide Services as an effort to realize competent and quality human resources (HR) for creative economy tourism.

The cooperation between the two has been established for a long time, especially in the preparation of the SKKNI for Rock Climbing Guide Services, which was recently established by the Ministry of Manpower through the Minister of Manpower Decree No. 81 of 2024.

According to the Director of Competency Standardization of the Ministry of Tourism, Faisal, in “The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno” in Jakarta, Tuesday (09/17), 2024 explained, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will immediately carry out dissemination through socialization and seminars related to 34 SKKNI for tourism, especially for the SKKNI for Rock-Climbing Guide Services.

“We will provide this socialization for those who are taking vocational training at LSP and then BLK, including those related to the tourism office in the city/district. After that, we will pilot the implementation of competency-based training and the implementation of competency certification,” said Faisal.

Faisal added that six occupations will be developed in the field of rock-climbing guiding, starting from qualification level 2 to 7. So, this will be the basis for us to develop competency-based training, job-based training and competency certification.

The new SKKNI for Rock-Climbing Guidance Services will include and develop competencies in nature conservation, marketing management, tourism sales and safety.

The SKKNI for Rock-Climbing Guidance Services consists of 50 Competency Units designed to realize human resources in the field of adventure tourism services, especially rock-climbing tourism, so that they can support tourism by providing quality in travel and hospitality services that encourage high spending and good value (high spending and value for money).

Likewise, the chairman of the Indonesian Rock-Climbing Federation (FPTI), Yenny Wahid, said that FPTI not only oversees sport climbing but also natural climbing. So, this is an opportunity for future cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to facilitate climbers who have experience and can provide assistance to beginners.

Yenny also expressed her view that when talking about climbing, it is not only natural climbing that requires competence and certification, but also workers in tall buildings. Because many workers use gondolas, there are also workers who use ropes (high-altitude workers). So, they also need skills and certification so they can be hired by companies that need their skills.

More over the head of the SKKNI Formulation Team for Rock-Climbing Guide Services, Adi Seno Sosromulyono, said that the rock-climbing population actually covers various aspects ranging from sports to recreation. Especially recreation, which is in great demand by tourists. Therefore, the preparation of standardization of rock-climbing guides, especially hospitality, is designed to provide a safe and comfortable travel experience.

“Our thinking in preparing it (standardization) is also greatly supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy,” concluded Adi. []