THE MINISTRY of Tourism and Creative Economy appreciates the initiative of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR-RI) to prepare a revision of the draft law (RUU) on the third amendment of Law No. 10 of 2009 on Tourism.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, in a working meeting held at the Indonesian House of Representatives Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (09/17), 2024, said that his party representing the government agreed with the initiative for amendment proposed by Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR-RI). Philosophically, when this process begins, we strongly agree that there are fundamental changes that are needed because we’re moving from quantity to quality and capability.

“The amendment of this law is considered important as the government’s focus has shifted from the paradigm of tourist quantity to the quality of tourists and tourism. However, discussions related to the preparation of this bill are expected to take a long time,” he said.

Therefore, Sandiaga suggested that this bill should be discussed in the next cabinet government period if this bill is not completed before the end of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet Government period.

“We hope that this can be discussed later, and if there is not enough time and there are restrictions, then this will be postponed to the next period. We ask for input, direction and support from all of you (members of Commission X), of course in the end today’s discussion will bring results for the progress of our tourism sector,” Minister Sandiaga stated.

Not only that, Sandiaga said that in 2025, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will focus on developing human resources (HR) for tourism and creative economy in the country. We believe that these HR are very important. So, investing in HR is the key to ensure the progress of our tourism.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Angela Tanoesoedibjo, added that it would be better if this bill is drafted as a new Tourism Bill. Considering the changes proposed by Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives, more than 50% of the content of the existing law was changed.

“The draft law that was formed should not be a revised draft law, but a new draft tourism law. The guidelines for the government’s views and opinions at a glance are that they want to minimize systematic changes by adding as few new chapters as possible and inserting material for changes to existing chapters in Law No. 10 of 2009,” said Angela.

In response, the Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Abdul Fikri Faqih, who acted as the chairman of the meeting, stated that his party and the government agreed to form a working committee (panja) with the composition of the team to be submitted by both parties and then immediately hold a discussion in the near future.

“Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives and the government agree to pay attention to all notes and views submitted by both parties to be followed up and become an inseparable part of the discussion process,” Faqih concluded. []