MINISTRY of Creative Economy (Kemenekraf) by the Deputy Minister of Creative Economy, Irene Umar together with Deputy Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (WamenPPPA), Veronica Tan and Head of Jakarta Special Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Atika Nur Rahmania mutually support the arrangement and development of Jakarta Old Town area.

According to Irene Umar in a meeting at the City Hall, Jakarta, Thursday (01/16), 2025, said this meeting was a form of support so that the Jakarta Old Town area continues to be an attraction for creative economic (ekraf) growth.

“By using public space for the development of creative economy, the historic area can increase the economic income of the surrounding community. The Old Town is always a tourist destination because it has a unique value, so this area can also explore the potential of the surrounding area,” said Irene.

Irene also added that the Old Town area is important and can create an immersive experience in the form of activating public spaces that can also be used as a photo booth with local IP.

“Towards 500 years of Jakarta, a storyline can be created that reflects the history, culture and civilization of the people of Jakarta, so areas that are still empty or still warehouses can be used to sell creative economy products. For a more impressive experience, a touch of photo spots and board games are also needed for several zones in Kota Tua (Old City) later,” said Deputy Minister of Creative Economy Irene.

Meanwhile, the head of the Jakarta Special Bappeda, Atika Nur Rahmania, said that the existence of the Kota Tua area of Jakarta must be preserved sustainably. The concept of social economy, comfortable pedestrians and heritage preservation can be developed in Kota Tua. Supported by cultural experiences that can create economic growth for the welfare of the community around Kota Tua.

“Kota Tua can be a hub for young people to become a central historical and cultural experience. This is towards 500 years of Jakarta will be able to absorb labor and become an attraction for tourists. Of course, this condition will also be a creative value,” said Deputy Minister of PPPA, Veronica Tan.

The Kota Tua area of Jakarta can be divided into several zones that will become centers for business development, tourism, and interesting attractions such as stages for work. There are many creative and innovative potentials that can be developed to create a system that provides mutual benefits for creative economy players.

“It is hoped that the arrangement and development of the old city area of Jakarta can also be in harmony with greening so that it remains environmentally friendly Veronica Tan concluded,” []