DEPUTY Minister of Creative Economy Ministry, Irene Umar attended the launch of Garuda X Tahilalats at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang. The presence of Deputy Minister of Creative Economy Irene was to support and promote the work of the nation’s children in the creative economy sector.
Deputy Minister of Creative Economy Irene admitted in this event that she is proud of the cooperation between Garuda Indonesia and Tahilalats, which is a real example of Indonesia’s creative economy. Through this collaboration, Irene saw that the work of the nation’s children can create something extraordinary. This is proof that Indonesia’s creative potential can be realized in innovative works.
“Thank you Garuda and Tahilalats, we as a new ministry feel that this is a celebration. This is the work of the nation’s children, Indonesian products collaborating with Indonesian products, it is an innovative breakthrough,” said Deputy Minister Irene.
She also explained that this collaboration is a real manifestation of the Ministry of Creative Economy’s commitment to develop Indonesia’s creative economy. This collaboration will open up great opportunities for various parties and invite other Indonesian brands to join in similar collaborations.
Meanwhile, the Deputy of Garuda Indonesia’s President Director, Tsani Panjaitan said that the collaboration with Thailalats is a form of support for the development of Indonesia’s creative economy as a “new growth engine” towards Indonesia Emas 2045, as targeted by the Ministry of Creative Economy and the President’s mandate. This collaboration also opens up opportunities for the nation’s young generations to create and innovate
“The Garuda X Thailalats collaboration is inspired by our commitment to building Indonesia’s creative economy and improving the national economy. We hope that this collaboration will create opportunities for the nation’s young generation to create, work and innovate,” Tsani affirmed.
He concluded that the Ministry of Creative Economy also plays an important role in supporting this collaboration, and we hope that there will be more collaborations in the future, including with other local IPs. Currently, we have launched various products such as T-shirts, mugs, and small bags, and we hope to further elevate our national products to the international level. []