THE Ministry of Tourism invites millennials to take advantage of digital platforms to become entrepreneurs and seize opportunities in both the tourism sector and the creative economy. Because, digital platforms are one of the great opportunities in the midst of a pandemic to earn income.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio, said millennial friends must take advantage of the existing opportunities. For example, creating applications that can support tourism and the creative economy in Indonesia and create economic opportunities. In the future, advancing efforts are efforts that are problem solving in nature.

“The accelerated digitization during the COVID-19 pandemic presents opportunities for tourism and a creative economy to develop that must be exploited by the millennial generation. Many things must be done through digital platforms. What does it mean? At the same time there are new opportunities, many new opportunities are happening. I am sure that millennials are better able to see these opportunities,” Wishnutama said.

Minister Wishnutama continued, the government has provided easier access to capital. So this should be used by millennials as a golden opportunity to start looking for interesting ideas. This idea can later be realized through innovative products whose existence is able to solve social problems in the midst of a pandemic.

“Millennials must also be information literate, like yesterday’s food startup event, there were 1000 lists, 100 were chosen, then we looked for 100 investors. Imagine that there was none like that during college. The government provided such opportunities, providing access to capital. Tourism Ministry helped form a legal entity in the form. If now the young generation does not take advantage of opportunities like this, it’s a shame,” he noted.

Wishnutama added that when starting a business, it is not uncommon for someone to fail. Therefore, I appealed to the millennial generation not to be discouraged and afraid of failure. Because, failure is one way to success.

“I believe with this theory, the more we fail in an effort, the greater the results will be. That’s the theory I have experienced so far. So, if we fail 3 to 4 times the spirit must be higher, because we know what we are. do the results will be even greater and extraordinary,” he affirmed.

He also focuses on the government’s challenges in developing local products, namely encouraging people to be proud of locally made products. Because, there are still many people who do not believe in the quality of domestic products.

“If we don’t have to force our culinary delights, we will automatically look for Indonesian food, the effort is not too heavy for domestic consumption. But sometimes Indonesian crafts and fashion still prefer foreign products. We must encourage this so that it is preferable to improve its quality, packaging, marketing, access to capital. From the creative sub-sector, it is not only that, there are films, music, animation, performing arts, many of which have extraordinary opportunities,” Wishnutama concluded. []