THE Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Vienna, Austria has implemented a branding program for Indonesian tourism on a number of public transportation, namely trams operating in the city to support the promotion of Wonderful Indonesia in the European region.

The Wonderful Indonesia logo combined with the beauty of a number of Indonesian destinations is emblazoned on tram cars which operate from 30 November 2020 and until 31 January 2021.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio, in his statement, I expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the support provided by the Indonesian Embassy in Vienna, Austria, which supported the Wonderful Indonesia branding program.

“Thank you to the Indonesian Ambassador to Vienna (I Gede Ngurah Swajaya) and his staff who have helped all of the Wonderful Indonesia branding process,” Wishnutama said.

This branding is expected to keep Indonesia’s tourism brand awareness maintained. Thus, Indonesian tourism is expected to remain top of mind for potential tourist choices.

“Vienna is the center of world convention, the branding of Wonderful Indonesia in this city to maintain Indonesian tourism in the global market so that tourists will visit it when conditions allow,” Wishnutama noted.

Meanwhile, the Deputy for Marketing of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Baparekraf, Nia Niscaya, said that previously the Ministry of Tourism had also carried out a product update by holding a series of webinars that discussed the efforts and policies of the Indonesian government to countries focused on the tourist market.

Including strengthening the role of representatives of Indonesian tourism promotion abroad or VITO (Visit Indonesia Tourism Officer) to optimize the promotion of tourism products to tourist market countries.

“In the future, it is hoped that the brand awareness of Indonesian tourism will be maintained especially now that it is a dreaming phase for many people who want to travel immediately when this pandemic period ends,” Nia concluded. []