INDONESIA is again participating in the largest international tourism exchange in India, namely South Asia’s Travel & Tourism Exchange (SATTE) 2024 as an effort to increase foreign tourist visits in 2024.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, when giving a speech at the opening of SATTE, Thursday (02/22), 2024, said that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy’s re-participation in the SATTE 2024 event could not be separated from the results of Indonesia’s participation in SATTE in previous years which had been assisting in the recovery of tourism after the last pandemic.

“The number of Indian tourists visits post-pandemic continues to show a positive trend. India ranks 6th as the country with the highest number of foreign tourist visits in Indonesia and 2nd in Bali, after Australia, in the 2023 period. The number of Indian tourist visits to Indonesia in 2023 will almost reach 607,000 foreign tourists, this increase will reach 125.8% of the number of Indian tourists the previous year,” said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga explained that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy’s international promotional strategy focuses on promoting key tourism markets, including India, where the growth of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia is increasing rapidly. The increase is not only in the number of foreign tourists but it is also hoped that the quality of foreign tourists visiting will increase so that it is hoped that it can open up more business opportunities and create new jobs.

SATTE 2024 takes place on February 22-24 at India Expo & Mart, Greater Noida, New Delhi. The Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, through the Wonderful Indonesia brand, this time raised the theme “Keep the Wonder” with designs of Borobudur, Prambanan and Yogyakarta in its pavilion as a form of Tourism Minsitry’s consistency in promoting 5 Super Priority Destinations (DSP).

Two tourism industries participating as official partners for the Wonderful Indonesia pavilion at SATTE 2024 are Marriott Indonesia and Taman Safari Indonesia. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also collaborates with 41 selected tourism industry players, consisting of travel agents/tour operators, DMCs, hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Marketing at the Tourism Ministry, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, said that Bali had become top of mind for Indian tourists. So, in promotional activities at SATTE 2024, apart from Bali, Wonderful Indonesia also offers other destinations, namely 5 Super Priority Tourism Destinations.

“In this exhibition, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy focuses on four segments for the Indian market, including wedding, honeymoon, family and MICE, which are the leading segments for the Indian market. “Apart from that, to target the quite large luxury travel segment in India, Indonesian tourism industry players are also preparing tour packages in a number of priority destinations that suit the characteristics of luxury travelers from India,” Made remarked.

Made explained that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is also promoting destinations in Indonesia to be offered as filming locations to the Indian film industry. The Indonesia Film Facilitation (IFFa) platform, which was launched at the end of last year, will make it easier for Indian filmmakers to access filmmaking locations in Indonesia.

“The huge Indian film industry is an opportunity for Indonesia which has a variety of destinations with natural beauty and interesting cultural uniqueness to be used as filmmaking locations. I hope that promotion of destinations through this film will introduce more Indonesian tourism destinations in India and encourage visits by tourists from India to Indonesia,” Made noted.

The series of tourism marketing in the Indian market will end with the implementation of the Indonesia Sales Mission in Chandigarh City on September 26 2024 which will bring together the Indonesian tourism industry and tourism actors in Chandigarh.

This sales mission is a form of collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in New Delhi to expand Indonesia’s tourism business network to potential cities in India. []