GROUNDBRAKING in the context of the construction of Kediri Airport will be carried out in April 2020 and the initial investment of PT Gudang Garam (GG) was IDR9.2 trillion.
According to the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi said after the Kediri Airport Development Planning Meeting in the Kediri Regency Government Hall, East Java, said we were happy because in a meeting led by the Cabinet Secretary Minister, we had agreed that in April 2020 a groundbreaking would take place.
“The Kediri Airport is planned to be built in three stages. For the initial stage, the targets to construction can be completed within two years, or in April 2022,” he said.
The meeting was also attended by Minister of Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono, East Java Deputy Governor Emil Elestianto Dardak, Kediri Regent Haryanti Sutrisno, representatives of PT Gudang Garam (GG) Tbk, and all relevant stakeholders.
“We are happy because in a meeting chaired by the Minister of Social Affairs, we agreed that in April 2020 a groundbreaking will be conducted,” Budi said in a written statement.
He added, the Kediri Airport was planned to be built in three stages. For the initial stage, my targets that the construction can be completed within two years, or in April 2022. The two-year period is sufficient to complete the construction of the first phase. Especially if you remember the Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulonprogo can be completed within 18-19 months or around 1.5 years.
Kediri Airport is planned to have a runway facility along the 3,300 x 45 square meters, and is equipped with supporting facilities (PKP-PK category) and also land side facilities, such as passenger terminals, cargo terminals, vehicle parking.
The construction of the airport is carried out on an area of ​​450 hectares (ha). At the opening, Kediri Airport phase 1 will be able to accommodate around 1.5 million passengers, while the runway movement can accommodate 8 air traffic movements, especially during peak hours.
The Kediri Airport construction project uses the Government and Business Entity scheme, with all funding using private funds, PT Gudang Garam. This financing includes land acquisition to the construction of the airport. For phase 1, the estimated investment value prepared by PT Gudang Garam, including for land acquisition, is around Rp 9.2 trillion.
Then, the airport which is located in East Java will later function as a domestic airport, while international airports will still be served by Juanda Airport in Surabaya. The existence of this airport is expected to encourage an increase in the country’s economy, increase the number of tourists, facilitate the surrounding community to travel, and be able to provide jobs for the people in Kediri and surrounding areas.
Furthermore, Budi appreciated the good cooperation between the local government in East Java (East Java) and PT Gudang Garam in the Kediri Airport development plan. This is the first time that the private sector has fully invested in airport construction with a Government and Business Entity scheme. That is, PT Gudang Garam will get a concession, for 30 or 50 years. This is an example that should be emulated by other regions to do as did the Provincial Government of East Java, Kediri, and PT Gudang Garam.
Budi added, the technical requirements related to the construction of the Kediri Airport have been successfully completed. In addition, the availability of land for access to and from the airport and drainage at Kediri Airport has also been coordinated with the Ministry of Public Works and the local government. For drainage and access to and from the airport, we will settle in the near future a 1.5 ha ha of land consignment.
Regarding the management of Kediri Airport, Budi said that all would be handed over to Gudang Garam to be able to choose who would be given the Airport Business Entity. However, related to the management of air traffic control, it must still be carried out by the Indonesian Aviation Navigation Service Provider or Airnav Indonesia.
On the other hand, Director General of Civil Aviation at the Ministry of Transportation, Novie Riyanto said, the development of land acquisition for the construction of the airport had reached 98.4%. Kediri Airport would later function as a feeder airport on the southern route of the island of Java, while the hub airport in East Java would use Juanda Airport in Surabaya.
“As is well known, the southern line of Java is highly developed, there is Kertajati Airport in West Java, Jenderal Sudirman Airport in Purbalingga, Central Java, and Wiradinata Tasikmalaya Airport in West Java. Kediri Airport will be a separate route to serve the densely populated southern part of Java,” said Novie
In addition, Kediri Airport will later serve the community in six districts in East Java, namely Madiun, Pacitan, Trenggalek, Tulungagung, Blitar, and Kediri, with a total population of around 10 million people. [special photo]