JAKARTA International BNI Java Java Jazz Festival 2019 is ready to be held starting 28 February through 1st of March 2020 at JiExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta. There is something special offered by the organizer, Java Festival Production.
According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio in the press conference at the launch of the Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz Festival at Borobudur Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday afternoon (26/02) assessed the holding of the BNI Java Jazz Festival 2020 event as one of the interesting evidence of Indonesian music events. in the eyes of the world.
Wishnutama also claimed to be proud of the event that has been going on for 16 times. He hopes this event can help increase the number of visits both of foreign tourist and domestic tourists.
“Java Jazz is a proud event. I hope the implementation of Java Jazz will improve in the future and attract more tourists, both foreign tourists and tourists. with the ongoing international scale event in the midst of the outbreak of the Corona virus, it proves that Indonesia can still maintain a safe feel for world visitors,” Wishnutama noted.

He admitted that even though now in a number of countries the Corona virus is spreading, there are still many who come for Java Jazz. This is proof that Indonesia is still considered safe by foreign tourists.
The same thing was conveyed by the President Commissioner of PT Garuda Indonesia, Triawan Munaf who said that in this chaotic world atmosphere, Indonesia and its Java Jazz could still attract world musicians.
Meanwhile, PT Java Festival Production President Director Dewi Gontha expressed her gratitude to the partners who had supported the event.
“We are very happy to hold this festival for the 16th time, and we can only do it because of the support of sponsors and partners who have always believed in the concept of our festival from the beginning,” said Dewi Gontha.
Dewi Gontha also explained that this event was a gathering room to enjoy music, games, eating, and drinks all in one place. Dewi also appreciated the government’s support in organizing the event.
“After years of being supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as if providing validation for this festival to advance to the international market,” said Dewi.
With the theme “Redeem Yourself Through Music”, the Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz Festival is ready to present a number of world and country musicians for three days, from February 28 to March 1, 2020 at JiExpo Kemayoran Jakarta.
The event will be enlivened by a line of famous musicians such as Harvey Mason “Chameleon”, Phil Perry, T-SQUARE, as well as young and rising generation artists such as Omar Apollo, Kiana Lede, RINI, Bruno Major, and The Free Nationals to legendary music groups The Jacksons.
Collaborations and other projects worth watching include 7 Star Feat. Deddy Dhukun, Fariz RM, Mus Mujino, Trie Utami, Yuni Shara, Ita Purnamasari, and Memes. There is also the BNI Music Project feat Rizky Febian, Ardhito Pramono, Cantika, Rebecca Reijman, and Nima Ilayla. [traveltext.id]