THE Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy prepares various policies and measures to deal with and reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak for actors and industries engaged in the tourism and creative economy sectors.
According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Wishnutama Kusubandio during live streaming recently explained, the government will soon announce measures and various strategies to reduce the impact of COVID 19 on the tourism sector and the creative economy.
That, according to Wishnutama, is in line with the Presidential Instruction number 4 of 2020 which was published on March 22, 2020 concerning the refocussing of activities, budget reallocation, and procurement of goods and services in the context of accelerating the handling of COVID-19.
“We have coordinated with the Head of BNPB to prepare cooperation with hotel chains to become a place of rest for medical personnel and Task Forces in various regions. So that they are closer to the hospital that handles the plague and if needed can be an independent isolation location,” he said.
Not only that, the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy, continued Wishnutama is coordinating with transportation providers to provide transportation facilities for medical officers and task forces.
The government is also trying to propose various economic stimuli so as to ease the burden and costs for business people in the tourism sector and the creative economy. So as to reduce the potential for layoffs of employees in the sector.
“The president has stressed that the government is paying very much attention to the tourism sector as one of the leading sectors of the national economy, but to deal with the impact of COVID19, cooperation from various parties is needed,” he noted.
Wishnutama also invites the actors of tourism and the creative economy, to help each other, in dealing with these difficult conditions. Specifically for actors in the creative economy sector, such as television, film, production houses, content creators, radio, animation, graphic design, artists, artists, as well as various creative communities and networks in various regions, to be actively involved in helping the government in socializing steps to community in dealing with COVID-19.
“We have seen many extraordinary initiatives from creative actors in Indonesia. For that, I really appreciate and thank you. The role and participation of creative industry players will greatly assist the Government’s efforts in educating the public. Because in reality there are still many walks of life that still do not carry out various government directives,” he added.
Wishnutama also emphasized to the public that the government was very serious in handling the COVID-19 outbreak and urged the public to follow the direction of the government and the Task Force for the Acceleration of Countering the COVID-19 in dealing with this pandemic.
“The challenges of each country in dealing with this epidemic are different from one another. But one thing is certain, the Indonesian government, is definitely looking for the best solution for its people,” he said.
He explained that this is a difficult condition, for any country, for anyone. But this is the time for Indonesian society to unite, and to advance humanity, from personal, group, and other interests.
The sooner all parties work together to appeal to the government, the sooner we will be able to defeat and finally put an end to this epidemic. “I also want to advise fellow journalists to maintain health and safety while on duty,” he concluded. []