NATURALLY, if you feel like taking a walk and traveling in the middle of a period of adapting to new habits after months at home. A staycation at a hotel or a walk to the mountains and beaches may already be on your wishlist by now.
If you want to travel without feeling anxious, here are safe tips that can be done:
1. Always carry a hand sanitizer with you
Washing your hands regularly is very important to keep your hands clean, especially considering that there are many germs and viruses that can stick to your hands.
In addition, we touch our face very often with our hands. Research shows we touch our faces with our hands up to 23 times in just an hour.
If washing hands with soap and running water is not possible, then hand sanitizers can be used as a substitute for soap.
2. Always use a cloth mask
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that everyone wear a cloth mask if they want to go to public places.
This step is taken to anticipate the spread of the virus from people without symptoms (OTG). However, wearing a mask doesn’t mean it’s safe to be close to other people. Maintain proper and correct distancing protocols.
3. Select a seat near the airplane window
If possible, when traveling by plane, choose a window seat. A study from Emory University found that during flu season the safest place to sit on an airplane is near a window. Why? Because people sitting in chairs near windows have less contact with potentially sick people.
4. Bring your own cutlery
Cutlery and drinking utensils such as spoons, forks and tumblers can be taken with you wherever you go. By bringing your own eating utensils, it can prevent transmission.
5. Check-in online
The boarding pass is one of the things that frequently changes hands and is touched for inspection. The solution to reduce touch during the checking period is through online boarding passes. Whenever possible, check in independently online to reduce physical contact.
6. Bring your own digital thermometer
Body temperature checks are normal in public areas nowadays. You can buy a smaller thermometer to check your body temperature regularly at your destination.
7. Choose an outdoor destination rather than an indoor one
The spread of the virus is more vulnerable in closed and crowded places. This makes outdoor destinations like parks, beaches, mountains and the like even more popular. As long as you implement a distance keeping protocol, outdoor destinations tend to be safer. [antaranews/photo special]