TOWARDS the end of 2020, it is predicted that the public will continue to travel on vacation while welcoming the New Year. Quoted from a travel agency survey of 1,490 customers throughout Indonesia on 9-16 November 2020, Sunday, there are five interesting facts about traveling behavior at the end of 2020.

75% of people plan a year-end vacation
As many as 75% of Indonesians plan to travel by the end of 2020. This indicates that most people wish to travel again to coincide with the year-end holiday moments.

Judging from Pegipegi’s internal data, during the long holiday period at the end of last October, there was an increase in hotel bookings and plane tickets up to two times compared to the new normal period on weekdays.

This data is in line with the results of a survey of people’s desire to travel in the end of 2020. Pegipegi predicts that during the year-end holiday period, the traveling trend will again increase significantly.

“From this survey we can see that people’s confidence in traveling again has started to increase. This is supported by infrastructure in tourist destinations that have provided and implemented health protocols to make people feel safer and more comfortable,” said Busyra Oryza, Corporate Communications Manager Pegipegi.

The factor that convinces people to travel
In the survey, it is known that there are several factors that make people believe to travel again, including complying with health protocols (66%), believing the place to be visited has implemented health protocols (65%), feeling in good health (31%) .

Some of the respondents also said that they need refreshment after a long period of time undergoing self-quarantine.

How to travel
For people who plan to travel at the end of the year, as many as 45% choose to travel outside the city using cars or other private vehicles.

Followed by traveling outside the city by airplane (30%, staycation at inner-city hotels (11%), going out of town by train (10%), and out of town by bus or travel (4%).

Based on this data, it can be predicted that destinations close to the domicile city will become favorites for the year-end holidays.

Travel ticket reservations
For booking travel tickets, most of the respondents (60%) chose to order round-trip tickets at once. Meanwhile, 40% of respondents chose to book only one route tickets.

There are differences that are not too far between the two options. Based on Pegipegi’s internal data on the long weekend last October, most people prefer to order suddenly or on average under one week before the day of departure.

Jakarta, Medan, Makassar, Surabaya, and Bali were the 5 most favorite routes during the long weekend period last October.

In the year-end holiday period, Pegipegi predicts that domestic tourist destinations in big cities such as Yogyakarta, Bandung and Bali will be in demand by Indonesians.

Some are still postponing their trip
Only 25% of respondents said they had not planned to travel in the end of 2020.

As many as 44% of respondents said they did not know when to travel again, 32% planned to travel in mid-2021, 15% would travel in the first quarter of 2021, and 9% planned to travel at the end of 2021.

There is still a sense of worry about security and safety when traveling is predicted to be the main reason for people to postpone their trips at the end of the year. [antaranews]