THE Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy delivered several strategic steps to accelerate the recovery of the tourism and creative economy (Parekraf) sector in Indonesia.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, said there were several programs that I conveyed: First, the I explained related to the tourism grant stimulus program. In 2020, the Ministry of Tourism will provide a stimulus in the tourism sector and creative economy of IDR3.3 trillion with a realization rate of 69.63%. Of these funds, 30 percent for the local government and 70% for hotel and restaurant entrepreneurs.

“The stimulus program which will be issued this year is still in the discussion stage, and we will provide an update on how many it is and also in terms of when it will be realized. Of course, this year’s stimulus aims to save players in the tourism & creative economy sector, because there are as many as 34 million people who depend on this sector for their livelihood,” he said.

Second, the application of the free COVID corridor or what is currently called the travel corridor arrangement which is currently in the finalization stage. Because in opening these borders, health aspects must be considered as a priority.

“It is planned that by mid-March we will hold a coordination meeting in Bali, by inviting related ministries and all stakeholders. We hope this can provide fresh air, spread hope. Hopefully we can start executing this travel corridor arrangement in a short time,” he noted.

Third, he continued that the development of KEK (Special Economic Zones). During his working visit some time ago, the I had visited the Likupang KEK, North Sulawesi. The phase I area of ​​the Likupang SEZ is located on an area of ​​92.89 hectares with an investment value of nearly IDR1 trillion. Includes resorts, utilities, commercial areas, lakes, as well as green open spaces. The total investment value is estimated to attract IDR5 trillion in investment until 2040.

“The target of this SEZ is how we move the economy based on incentives for government policies. I will also ensure that the execution of this KEK will run according to the target, right on target, right on benefits, and on time,” Sandiaga stated.

Furthermore, Tourism Ministry will facilitate the digitalization program on boarding for creative economy players. In 2020 this on boarding program reaches 4 million participants. Meanwhile, in 2021, Tourism Ministry wants this program to reach 10-15 million tourism & creative economy actors. This on boarding program aims to improve capabilities and competencies, not only to scale up human resources, but also to encourage creative human resources to produce quality products.

“This is in line with what the President said to be proud of being made in Indonesia, to love Indonesian products. And the President continued with a narrative that is how do we avoid foreign products, if we have alternatives to quality Indonesian products. This is an invitation and a challenge for creative economy actors to improve the quality of the products they produce,” he added.

Then, the development of the Tourism Village, which is part of the most important pillar of tourism development and the creative economy going forward. Because, Tourism Minister did not want this tourism to be exclusive, but inclusive.

According to the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy targets 244 certified tourist villages to become independent tourism villages by 2024. Of the 224 tourist villages, 150 tourist villages are in 5 Super Priority Destinations and will be expanded.

“This program must cover tourist villages in every super priority destination. We hope that this tourist village will be able to improve the community’s economy and create jobs. And of course, the development of a tourist village emphasizes the sustainable aspect,” Minister explained.

Finally, vaccinations for tourism and creative economy actors, which are currently still running. This vaccination program will later be expanded to various destinations in Indonesia and carried out in stages. Apart from Bali Province, the Jabodetabek area also receives priority for vaccine recipients.

“For the Jabodetabek area it depends on the amount of data we are collecting. The hope is that we can apply this vaccination in various regions, the sooner, the better, the sooner, the better. Because to achieve the herd immunity target in the parekraf sector we have to do our best,” he concluded. []