INDONESIA’S Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, attended a working meeting with Commission X DPR RI on Wednesday (2/6), to explain a number of strategic programs for the tourism sector and the creative economy 2022.

In the meeting held at the Nusantara I Building, DPR RI, Minister Sandiaga explained a number of things. These include the Government Work Plan (GWP) 2022, the Strategic Program of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the 2022 Indicative Ceiling.

“In an effort to develop priority and super-priority tourist destinations that are included in the 2022 GWP, the Tourism Ministry is also trying to develop the creative economy sector to contribute to the national economy. We are also trying to develop creative economy products and improve the quality of human resources and education regarding the development of tourism human resources and the creative economy,” Sandiaga said.

Sandiaga also proposed a number of changes and adjustments to the GWP’s strategic targets due to the current pandemic conditions. Such as the change in the 2021 foreign exchange target from US$44.8-8.5 billion to US$0.3-0.41 billion. Meanwhile, for the 2022 foreign exchange achievement target, from US$10.6-11.3 billion to US$0.83-1.44 billion.

The revision, continued Sandiaga, was also carried out on the target of foreign tourist visits in 2021. From the range of 4-7 million visits to 1.5-2.1 million visits.

“As of June 2, international borders are still closed. Coupled with the latest prediction that international tourist arrivals have not recovered until 2024. So we need to continue to encourage tourism and creative economy actors through policies, so that they can not only survive but can also seize the opportunity to be a winner,” Sandiaga stated.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Angela Tanoesoedibjo explained that our party has proposed an indicative ceiling value for the 2022 budget year of IDR3,816,970,382,000. This figure is down 16.39% compared to the 2021 budget year which amounted to IDR4,565.002.558.000 trillion.

Angela explained, the budget will be used for three main programs. Namely, the management support program of IDR1.06 trillion, down 3.02% compared to the 2021 ceiling. Second, the tourism and creative economy programs of IDR1.7 trillion. As well as vocational education and training programs amounting to IDR1.02 trillion.

Regarding this, Sandiaga added, although there was a decrease in the budget value, the budget value would be used to strengthen several main programs from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Maybe if there is strengthening in tourism villages and the creative economy, this might be an innovative, collaborative, and adaptive breakthrough.

Sandiaga hopes that this indicative ceiling figure will be a signal for the ranks of the Tourism Ministry to work hard to restore the tourism sector and creative economy in the country. Of course, with adjustments, we hope that there will be job openings and also alignments for the tourism sector and the creative economy that need a touch.

On the same occasion, Member of Commission X DPR RI, Dede Yusuf, said that there needs to be economic movement in the creative economy sector so that this sector can bounce back. If the creative economy is driven, then this will move our economy. This is the responsibility of all of us and there needs to be cooperation from all of us. []