INDONESIA’S Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno invites the public, especially the actors of tourism and the creative economy, in the country to take advantage of the Tourism Incentive Assistance (TIA) to develop their businesses.

Sandiaga when he was present at the 2021 TIA socialization event at Lumbini Park, Borobudur Temple Complex, Magelang, Central Java, Friday, said the Ministry of Tourism had opened official registration for the public to access TIA from June 4 to July 4, 2021.

“We are socializing the TIA district which we believe is a policy that favors creative economy and tourism business actors, especially Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that really need a touch from the government,” said Sandiaga Uno.

Minister Sandiaga Uno explained that the distribution of Tourism Incentive Assistance is also expected to help creative economy and tourism business actors to survive the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as provide them with opportunities to become winners by increasing their business scale.

“Especially from the aspect of digitalization so that they not only sell their products or services online, but also create creative content to improve and transform their business,” he stated.

He explained that I also asked for the active involvement of the community and the media to jointly oversee this program so that it was right on target, right to benefit, and on time. I also ensure that all these programs will be carried out with good governance.

“We hope that this program can open up the widest possible employment opportunities, maintain the tourism and creative economy sectors and be able to drive the economy,” Sandiaga noted.

TIA is an annual program since 2017 which was previously run by the Creative Economy Agency and has been distributed to tourism and creative economy businesses throughout Indonesia. In 2020 the distribution of TIA is budgeted at IDR24 billion and this year it has been increased three times to IDR60 billion.

Meanwhile, the Deputy for Industry and Investment of the Ministry of Tourism, Fadjar Hutomo, explained that the target for this year’s Tourism Incentive Assistance (TIA) participants was limited to seven creative economy sub-sectors including applications, game developers, crafts, fashion, culinary, film, and the tourism sector.

In 2021 TIA is divided into two categories, namely regular TIA and Business Safety Net (TIA BSN). In addition, TIA is also not the same as the tourism grant program which is also being prepared by the government to be implemented.

Regular TIA is government incentive assistance that is intended to increase working capital and/or investment in fixed assets in the context of increasing business capacity and/or production of tourism and creative business players.

Meanwhile, the TIA of the Business Safety Net (BSN) is government incentive assistance intended to increase working capital and/or investment in fixed assets in order to assist tourism and creative economy business actors for the sustainability of their business.

“Business entities that register for both the regular category and the public prosecutor must have a Business Entity Identification Number (BEIN),” said Fadjar Hutomo.

Fadjar said that today’s TIA socialization activity in 2021 is expected to provide an overview for the public, especially tourism and creative economy business actors, to understand the intricacies of the Tourism Incentive Assistance program, including the procedures, stages, requirements and others.

“Further information and technical instructions on how to apply to participate in this program can be downloaded on the website,” he concluded. []