THE strategy overall, the occupancy rate of Sahid Jaya Hotels during the first semester of this year is running for PT Sahid Jaya Tbk. optimistic that it can boost the occupancy rate to a level of 40% in semester II/2021. This target will not change Sahid Jaya Hotels’ strategy in dealing with the hospitality business in the even semester of this year.

According to the Deputy President Director of PT Sahid Jaya Tbk. Ratri Sryantoro Wakeling in a press release said that the next step would still be to adjust the steps to the company’s main orientation, namely increasing occupancy.

For that, Ratri continued, the company must be somewhat flexible in terms of room rates. There are several ways that the company will take during semester II/2021, including obtaining as many Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) certificates as possible for hotels under the umbrella of Sahid Jaya Hotels, improving the quality of the staycation program; and selling other products such as catering services and food delivery as another source of income.

According to Ratri, the strategy was quite effective during semester I/2021. The CHSE certification is considered capable of securing the company’s playing field, while the staycation program is said to be able to help hotel occupancy on the weekends from falling further.

“Meanwhile, the average occupancy of Sahid Jaya Hotels during the first semester of 2021 was 45% on weekdays and 20% on weekends. The staycation program can hold the occupancy rate at the weekend so it doesn’t fall further to the 10% level,” Ratri said.

Ratri Sryantoro added, overall, the occupancy rate of Sahid Jaya Hotels throughout the first semester of this year is in the range of 50-55 percent and varies in each location. In DKI Jakarta, the occupancy rate is stable at 35%, while in small cities the occupancy rate is still low, at 10-15%.

“This condition is experienced by the company in line with the hotel’s not yet optimal operation. Overall, Sahid Jaya Hotels has only operated 70% of the rooms since last year. Coupled with the implementation of policies that still limit the movement of tourists as a measure to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic,” Ratri Sryantoro noted.

Ratri hopes that the stimulus for bank debt restructuring can be continued in the future because the hotel business has not fully recovered. For semester II/2021, SHID targets the occupancy rate to grow by 20-30% from the same period the previous year. The company, he explained, is quite confident with the target because it already understands what to do after learning from last year.

“So from the 30.5% occupancy in the second half of last year, we expect it to grow by 20-30% to approach 40%. However, there are also many possibilities that suddenly there will be policies that restrict mass movement. That will disrupt our strategy,” Ratri Sryantoro concluded. [sources/photo special]