THE development of tourism villages in Indonesia uses the three main platforms of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, namely innovation, adaptation, and collaboration. Innovations include a 360-degree approach and big data. Adaptation through the implementation of the Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) protocol, in collaboration with all stakeholders.
According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in Jakarta recently said so that tourism villages can later become world-class, competitive, and sustainable destinations, as well as create the widest possible employment opportunities.
“My hope is that these tourism villages can become a locomotive in improving the economy and improving the welfare of the surrounding community. Because, not only do we think about profit or profit, but also economic, environmental, social, and cultural aspects,” he said.
Sandiaga explained that to support the achievement of the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan in the context of the development of 244 tourism villages, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy provides training and improvement of human resources. In addition, there is also an increase in competence from the entrepreneurial aspect through the Bangga Buatan Indonesia or Proudly Made in Indonesia Movement, as well as the 2021 Government Incentive Assistance which is budgeted at around IDR60 billion.
Then, he also encouraged the South Sumatran government to be able to actively participate in the 2021 Tourism Village Award (ADWI). Because this prestigious event can build motivation for village managers.
“Please if tourist villages in South Sumatra can register themselves in the Tourism Village Award. So far, more than 300 have registered. We hope that the number will continue to increase and can reach more other tourist villages,” Sandiaga stated.
“The concept of developing a tourist village that we encourage holistically is culture-based, nature-based, artificial-based. The key is 3A attractions, accessibility, and amenities, as well as branding, advertising, and selling. So I like to invite several national and local influencers, so that these tourism villages can also create creative content,” he continued.
The ADWI 2021 event has seven assessment categories, which consist of the CHSE category, creative content, homestays, toilets, digital villages, souvenirs, and tourist attractions. For tourism villages who want to register, they can directly access it via with registration time until June 26, 2021. []