INDONESIA’S Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy ensures that it continues to prioritize the principles of quality and sustainable tourism in the development of tourism and the creative economy in Labuan Bajo Super Priority Destinations (SPD), including SPD and other destinations in the country.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in his statement, Thursday (8/5), said, the development of quality and sustainable tourism is tourism development that pays close attention to the impact on the environment, social, culture, living things, and the economy for the present. and the future, both for local people and tourists. So that it can stimulate the economy and create jobs.

“In its application, sustainable tourism has the principle of empowering the community through existing culture and local wisdom. In line with that, preserving nature and improving welfare, as well as adding aspects of professional management. Not only taking into account the economic impact, but also the impact that will occur on the environment and socio-cultural community,” said Minister Sandiaga Uno.

Therefore, in the development of tourism in Labuan Bajo, especially in the utilization zone in the Komodo National Park, it is necessary to pay attention to things that mainly concern aspects of the environment, culture, and local wisdom. So that the premium tourism concept prepared by the government in Labuan Bajo, actually materialized.

The premium concept referred to refers to high-quality services and is thick with the uniqueness of nature, social, culture, society, and living things in it, so as to provide a high-value experience for tourists, while still paying attention to environmental sustainability.

Sandiaga explained, the Ministry of Tourism continues to coordinate together with ministries/agencies and other relevant parties to continue to ensure that the arrangement of facilities and infrastructure in the utilization zone in Komodo National Park does not cause or result in negative impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of world natural heritage sites. Komodo National Park.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has previously ensured that the construction at the Loh Buaya Resort on Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, does not have a negative impact on the OUV of the world natural heritage site of Komodo National Park. This conclusion is based on the results of a study on the improvement of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which was carried out in collaboration with other ministries/agencies as well as other experts who continue to be adapted to the rules set by the IUCN.

Minister Sandiaga explained that the Ministry of Tourism is also preparing the Labuan Bajo Integrated Tourism Master Plan (ITMP) with related Ministries/Institutions as an effort to project forward and develop development scenarios around the area under this ITMP.

“ITMP’s scope will include demand and supply analysis of regional development. So, what we have compiled in the ITMP is a projection of the number of tourists that is adjusted to carrying capacity, travel paths and an integrated development strategy. So that tourists are expected to stay longer in Indonesia,” he said.

ITMP is carefully and well designed and needs to consider the existing market potential, both domestic and international markets, especially future tourism trends after the COVID-19 pandemic. Good development is development that must be able to match its uniqueness and be adjusted to the right calculation of market potential.

“We must be able to match supply and demand and there needs to be clear targets, measurable targets, work breakdowns, clear timelines, in the formation of the ITMP,” said Sandiaga.

In addition, the Ministry of Tourism in developing tourism products in Labuan Bajo will also maximize the strength of culture and authentic local content. []