DISCUSSIONS related to Komodo National Park (TN) are expected to be dominantly oriented towards ecosystem conservation and empowerment of the indigenous peoples who live in it.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno during the Weekly Press Briefing (WPB) virtually on Monday, (8/9) said that when we talk about Komodo National Park, the dominant perspective should be conservation, not investment by corporations.

“Conservation is not only about protecting the endemic Komodo dragon, but also about the ecosystem as a whole and empowering indigenous people in the area. The arrangement of infrastructure facilities in Komodo National Park (TN) in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) does not have a negative impact on Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) which can be interpreted as the main overall values ​​of the world natural heritage of Komodo National Park,” he said.

Alluding to the appeal of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) regarding infrastructure development in Komodo National Park. At the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (WHC) meeting on 16-31 July 2021 produced the WHC/21/44.COM/7B document, one of which recommends the Government of Indonesia to stop infrastructure projects that have the potential to impact the OUV, namely one of the following: one of UNESCO’s assessment criteria to designate Komodo National Park as a world heritage.

UNESCO requested that the Analysis on Environmental Impact (AMDAL) be revised and submitted for review by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

“Here I want to emphasize that the Tourism Ministry and other ministries continue to coordinate to ensure that the arrangement of infrastructure facilities in the utilization zone in Komodo National Park does not cause or result in a negative impact on the OUV,” said Sandiaga.

Not only that, he explained that the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) also ensured that the construction at Loh Buaya Resort on Rinca Island did not have a negative impact on the OUV.

“Because this is all based on the results of the study on improving the environmental impact assessment Analysis on Environmental Impact or AMDAL and this is indeed now a reference that is carried out across ministries, agencies, and other devices in the rules set by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature),” he remarked.

According to Sandiaga, the development in Komodo National Park aims to replace inadequate facilities and infrastructure with international standard facilities and infrastructure. The development consists of a ranger camp (guard camp), guide camp (guide camp), researcher camp (research camp), plaza deck (alun-alun deck), resting post (post for rest), elevated deck (high deck), reservoir tank, distribution pipeline, waiting room for visitors, jetty, coastal protection, and information center.

“When we visited Komodo National Park, we also saw that there are indeed many facilities that need to be repaired because they are related to safety, health, and also environmental sustainability,” Minister Sandiaga concluded. [