INDONESIA’S Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy ensures that it will move quickly to restore the hotel and restaurant industry as an important part of the tourism and creative economy sectors.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in a ‘Coordination Meeting with Stakeholders Related to Stimulus & Relaxation’ organized by the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), virtually on Thursday (8/12) explained that the condition of hotels and restaurants since the enactment of PPKM emergency is very concerning. This is one thing that is certainly the center of our attention, and we are concerned, we, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, will move quickly.

“We are ready to help PHRI in restoring the hotel and restaurant industry, so that tourism and creative economy actors do not fly the white flag again as a symbol of their inability to run their business due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

Minister Sandiaga explained that it would be better if the white flag turned into a red and white flag. We will move quickly, and collaborate so that we can rise in difficult times.

Meanwhile, General Chairperson of PHRI Hariyadi Sukamdani said that the current condition of the hotel and restaurant industry is very difficult, so it requires special attention from the government in order to recover.

Hariyadi hopes that relevant ministries and institutions can jointly restore the tourism sector. Furthermore, he expects assistance from the Ministry of Home Affairs in the form of temporary abolition of payment obligations, fines or sanctions for late payments of land and building taxes, advertisement taxes, and street lighting taxes.

Then, Hariyadi expects the Ministry of Manpower to allocate Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for the hotel and restaurant business sector, with special criteria so that BLT can touch employees whose status is laid off or no longer working as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then, the PHRI proposed that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is expected to provide a stimulus related to electricity needs.

“What we hope is to eliminate subscriptions or pay the minimum for electricity usage, provide discounted electricity rates, and for hotel and restaurant business players who temporarily reduce power for reasons of efficiency, then when they increase electricity power again there is no charge,” Hariyadi concluded. []