INDONESIA’S Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi said that the Indonesian diaspora who were abroad helped to provide solutions in efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, one of which was in collaboration with representatives of the Indonesian government in various countries.

“We have seen the solidarity of the Indonesian diaspora and have shown it since the beginning of this pandemic,” said the Foreign Minister while giving a presentation at the 6th Global Indonesian Diaspora Network (IDN) Congress with the theme ‘Post COVID-19: A Stronger Indonesia with Diaspora’, Saturday. (8/14).

Retno revealed that as many as 132 Indonesian representatives abroad had collaborated with the Indonesian diaspora in helping Indonesian citizens affected by the pandemic.

From the cooperation, said the Foreign Minister, more than 750,000 food packages have been distributed to affected Indonesian citizens throughout the region. So far more than 230,000 Indonesian citizens have returned to Indonesia from abroad.

Minister Retno emphasized that the development of national solidarity and unity in an effort to deal with the pandemic is urgently needed, including from the Indonesian diaspora abroad.

“I hope that we can continue to strengthen this solidarity and unity. Apart from protecting Indonesian citizens abroad, he explained that the contribution of the Indonesian diaspora is needed in building the nation’s independence, especially related to the security of the health sector,” said the Foreign Minister.

In this context, during this pandemic, he said, many children of the nation abroad have been able to help build Indonesia’s health resilience.

Retno emphasized that it is important to ensure that Indonesia can become a nation capable of developing the pharmaceutical industry, medicines and raw materials for medicines, as well as vaccinations and medical devices.

Economic recovery, which is also a factor in efforts to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, is also a part in which the diaspora can contribute and provide solutions.

“What is also very important is the contribution of the Indonesian diaspora in supporting economic recovery. The opportunity for the contribution of the Indonesian diaspora in our economic recovery is very large, the diaspora can support efforts to open and expand the reach of Indonesian exports,” he said.

Minister Retno also emphasized the importance of paying attention to micro, small and medium enterprises in this effort. He mentioned that the government also invited the diaspora to invest and participate in promoting investment opportunities in Indonesia.

“We show that the Indonesian diaspora is part of the solution, let’s always instill a ‘can-do mindset’, be adaptive and innovative in responding to the situation,” concluded the Foreign Minister. [antaranews/photo special]