THE INDONESIA’S Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy invites players in the tourism and creative economy sectors (Parekraf) to take advantage of the momentum of the development of 5G technology as a solution to survive the pandemic.
According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno while attending the launch of the ITS 5G Experience Center at the Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS) Robotics Building, Surabaya, East Java, Thursday (9/16) explaining, the pandemic poses challenges in the form of digital disruption that occurs on every line, and creates various opportunities. to the loss of various livelihoods in the tourism sector.
“The tourism sector is very closely related to digitalization. This is part of our acceleration challenge in the current era, which affects not only the tourism sector but also all sectors in general in the creative economy sector. For that we need training related to digitalization, for example content creation techniques and online-based marketing,” he said.
Sandiaga explained that for more than 1.5 years the COVID-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact on various sectors, including the tourism and creative sector in Indonesia. This period is a period full of uncertainty or it can also be called VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity).
“As one of the developing countries in Asia, Indonesia has a relatively rapid technological development. This is shown by the presence of 5G technology in Indonesia since May 2021 and we need to use it as much as possible because we will never know when the pandemic will end,” he said.
Minister Sandiaga added that the presence of 5G technology is expected to support the development of e-commerce for local Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) players and digital financing services. This is shown in Bank Indonesia data in January 2021, where nominal e-commerce transactions have continued to increase since 2017, from IDR42.2 trillion in 2017 to IDR266.3 trillion in 2020.
Currently, he continued, Indonesia is a country that is the largest contributor to the digital economy in the ASEAN region with a value of more than 40%. In line with this, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and National Development Planning (PPN) added that the projected revenue from the digital media sector in Indonesia will continue to increase, reaching US$2,806 million in 2021, and will increase to US$4,114 million in 2021. year 2025.
“I appreciate ITS as one of the best universities in Indonesia as well as the first campus to have a 5G Experience Center which is the result of a complete collaboration between ITS and pentahelix which provides various vehicles for the introduction of 5G technology (center of knowledge), application development and use cases for students. students and startups assisted by ITS (center of creativity), as well as complementary education, training and certification processes (center of excellence), as well as the center of humanity,” he concluded. []