PT ASURANSI Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk (Tugu Insurance) continues its training and empowerment program for Individuals with Special Needs (ISN). Through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Tugu Insurance wants to contribute more to the development of Indonesian human resources, especially ISN.

According to Indra Baruna, Tugu Insurance’s President Director, said that caring for ISN is one part of the pillars of the United Action Concern for Tugu Insurance (Bakti Tugu) for community empowerment, not least for community groups who are individual with special needs.

“We hope that in the future Tugu Insurance’s CSR can contribute to the development of competent human resources and can have a good impact on the progress of the Indonesian nation through self-reliance-based education and training,” he said.

In implementing this program, Tugu Insurance works with trusted social institutions, namely the Cagar Foundation or the Cahaya Keluarga Fitrah Foundation. Cagar Foundation is a non-profit organization that has a high concern for coaching, education, and economic empowerment, especially for ISN.

The individual with special needs training program was conducted in 5 sessions and was attended by 50 IBK participants and assistants. The purpose of this activity is to build the independence of ISN so that in the future it can become a productive human being. Materials are provided both online and offline. The training carried out is in the form of cooking class training that teaches food menus that can produce products that are worth selling.

In addition, ISNs are also equipped with digital marketing training sessions, which teach business techniques using various digital platforms.

Indra also explained that the collaboration with the Reserve Foundation is a form of Tugu Insurance’s concern for the world of education. The cooperation between the two institutions has also been established since 2019.

Tugu Insurance has focused on training, motivating teachers and parents of ISN children to continue to transmit enthusiasm so that individual with special needs children can grow independently and productively.

The most emphasized thing for educators is to remain positive, use efficient teaching strategies, and provide support to parents, as ISN companions.

Bakti Tugu is an action that oversees all of Tugu Insurance’s CSR activities. The Bakti Tugu strategy is built by aligning the problems that exist in the community with the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) as well as Tugu Insurance’s vision, mission, and strategy.

“It is hoped that Tugu Insurance’s business development can be in line with the Company’s contribution in creating a better life for the community and the environment. Currently the Tugu Bakti program has four manifestations namely Bakti for the Environment, Bakti for Health and Safety, Bakti for Education, and Bakti for Community Empowerment,” Indra concluded. []