THE MINISTRY of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will start building a glass bridge in the Seruni Point Bromo Tengger Semeru area in Ngadisari Village, Probolinggo Regency, East Java.

“The construction phase will take 11 months with two budgets, namely the 2021 budget and the 2022 budget,” said the middle engineer representing the Head of the Tunnel and Structure Geotechnical Center of the Directorate General of Highways at the PUPR Ministry, Joko Purnomo in Probolinggo Regency, Monday (10/18).

The PUPR Ministry together with the Probolinggo Regency Government (Pemkab) have resolved the problems for the construction of a glass bridge at Seruni Point Bromo Tengger Semeru in Ngadisari Village, Sukapura District. From this glass bridge, tourists can see views of Bromo, Mount Batok, and Semeru as well as the ravine under the bridge.

“There is a setback in the Work Start Order because some lands are still in the process of completing the acquisition permit,” he said.

He said the program carried out by the central government has been fully supported by the regional apparatus organization (OPD) of the Probolinggo Regency and for the winning of the glass bridge construction project, it already exists and is ready for work, but it is just waiting for the SPMK to be lowered.

“We ask for the cooperation of the Probolinggo Regency Government to accelerate the land management process, so that the SPMK will be lowered more quickly from the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) regarding the construction of the Seruni Point glass bridge,” he said.

In the construction of the glass bridge, there are strategic areas, namely the tourist terminal which consists of a parking lot, multi-function building, amphitheater and glass bridge gate.

At that location there is also a shuttle area consisting of a finish point, namely a cafe and a pick-up area that pampers visitors to the glass bridge while enjoying views of the hills and Mount Bromo.

The Seruni Point Glass Bridge is designed as a suspended-cable bridge type with a span length of 120-meters and a ravine depth of approximately 80 meters, the floor size has a width of 1.8-meters and 3 meters.

For the foundation of drilled piles and wells the material used is glass with SGP coated safety, the laminated glass structure consists of two or more sheets of glass which are glued together using one or more interlayers.

In testing the glass floor against a design load of 3 mm with a voltage of 12 MPa there has been no damage to the glass. The 1st break glass shatter test achieved a 6.29-ton deflection of 20.8 mm (first section).

For the second glass section it is capable of 3.98-ton deflection of 35.9 mm. From the results of the test, the glass shattered but did not separate from the interlayer, after both layers of glass were broken, the SGP interlayer was still able to withstand the load.

“To smooth the construction process, we together with the Probolinggo Regency Government will conduct public outreach,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Probolinggo Regency, Soeparwiyono, said that the Probolinggo Regency Government fully supports the progress of the glass bridge construction at Seruni Point.

“The most important thing is that the construction of the glass bridge must be of high quality and its safety guaranteed. Coordination and communication continue to be carried out with the team that handles the construction of the glass bridge,” he said.

He hopes that the construction of the glass bridge will bring benefits and can be enjoyed by the wider community in general, then another advantage is that it can improve the economy of the community, especially the people of Bromo Tengger Semeru. [antaranews]