THE COVID-19 Handling Task Force has issued Circular Letter (CL) Number 26 of 2021 concerning Health Protocols for Overseas Travel during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. This Circular Letter (CL) is effective from December 25, 2021 until a time specified later.

It is stated in the CL, that in order to follow up on the development of the situation of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in various countries in the world and the results of cross-sectoral evaluations, it is necessary to adjust the control mechanism for foreign travel. As defined in the CL, an international traveler is someone who has traveled from abroad in the last fourteen days.

All foreign travelers, both Indonesian citizens and foreigners, must comply with the following requirements:

a. Comply with the provisions of the health protocol set by the government;

b. Show that the card or certificate (physical or digital) has received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least fourteen days before departure as a requirement to enter Indonesia with the following conditions:

i. Indonesian citizens are required to show a card or certificate (physical or digital) having received a complete dose of COVID-19 vaccine as a requirement to enter Indonesia, and in the event that Indonesian citizens have not received the vaccine abroad, they will be vaccinated at a quarantine place upon arrival in Indonesia after the second RT-PCR examination is carried out. with negative results;

ii. Foreigners are required to show a card or certificate (physical or digital) having received a complete dose of COVID-19 vaccine as a requirement to enter Indonesia;

iii. In the event that the foreigner has not received the vaccine abroad, he will be vaccinated at the quarantine place upon arrival in Indonesia after the second RT-PCR examination with a negative result is carried out, with the following conditions: (1) Foreigner aged 12-17 years; (2). Holders of diplomatic residence permits and official residence permits; and/or; (3) Holders of a limited stay permit card (KITAS) and a permanent residence permit card (KITAP).

iv. Foreigners who are already in Indonesia and will travel, both domestically and internationally, are required to vaccinate through a program or mutual cooperation scheme in accordance with statutory regulations;

v. The obligation to show a COVID-19 vaccination card or certificate (physical or digital) as a requirement to enter Indonesia is excluded for:

1) Foreigners who hold diplomatic visas and service visas related to official/state visits of foreign officials at ministerial level and above and foreigners who enter Indonesia under the TCA scheme, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity while still implementing strict health protocols;

2) Foreigners who have not vaccinated and intend to travel domestically and continue with the aim of taking international flights out of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, are allowed not to show their COVID-19 vaccination card/certificate as long as they do not leave the airport area during transit waiting for flights international level to be followed, with the following requirements:

a) It has been permitted by the local Port Health Office to carry out domestic trips with the aim of being able to continue their flights out of Indonesia; and

b) Shows the schedule of flight tickets outside Indonesia for direct transit from the city of departure to the international airport in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia with the final destination to the destination country.

3) Overseas travelers are under 18 years of age; and

4) Overseas travelers with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that cause travelers to be unable to receive vaccines, with the condition that they must attach a doctor’s certificate from the government hospitals of the country of departure stating that the person concerned has not and/or cannot attend COVID-19 vaccination.

vi. The card or certificate (physical or digital) has received the full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine written in English, in addition to the language of the country of origin.

c. Show negative results through the RT-PCR test in the country/region of origin whose samples are taken within a maximum period of 3 x 24 hours before the departure time and are attached at the time of the health check or the Indonesian International e-HAC;

d. In the event that foreign travelers carry out centralized quarantine with self-financing, they are required to show proof of payment confirmation for booking quarantine accommodation from the accommodation provider while staying in Indonesia;

e. For Indonesian citizens who come from abroad with the criteria for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI), students, and certain people who carry out certain tasks

f. Upon arrival, RT-PCR retests are carried out for foreign travelers and are required to undergo centralized quarantine for 10 x 24 hours;

g. In the event that Indonesian citizens originating from the country/region as referred to in number 2 can still enter the territory of Indonesia by re-testing the RT-PCR upon arrival and are required to undergo centralized quarantine for 14 x 24 hours;

h. The quarantine obligations as referred to in letters f and g are carried out with the following provisions:

1) For Indonesian citizens, namely PMI, students who have completed their studies abroad, government employees returning from official trips abroad, or Indonesian representatives in international competitions or festivals in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding Entry. Point), Quarantine Places, and RT-PCR Obligations for Indonesian Citizens Traveling Overseas with costs borne by the government.

2) For Indonesian citizens outside the criteria as referred to in number 1) and for foreigners, including foreign diplomats, outside the head of the foreign representative and the family of the head of the foreign representative undergoing quarantine in quarantine accommodation.

i. Quarantine accommodation as referred to in letter h.2) must obtain a recommendation from the Covid-19 Handling Task Force that has met the terms and conditions of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) for cleanliness, health, security (safety), and environmental sustainability (CHSE) and the ministry in charge of health affairs for the Jakarta and surrounding areas or the provincial office in charge of health affairs in the regions related to the certification of the COVID-19 health protocol;

j. In the event that the results of the RT-PCR re-examination upon arrival as referred to in letter f and letter g show a positive result, then treatment is carried out at the hospital for Indonesian citizens at the cost of being borne by the government and for foreigners at the expense of being entirely independently borne;

k. In the event that the foreigner is unable to pay for the self-quarantine and/or treatment at the hospital, the sponsor, K/L/State-Owner Enterprises that provides consideration for the entry permit for the foreigner can be held responsible for the said person;

l. For Indonesian citizens and foreigners, a second RT-PCR test is carried out with the following conditions:

i. On the 9th day of quarantine for foreign travelers who carry out quarantine with a duration of 10 x 24 hours; or

ii. On the 13th day of quarantine for foreign travelers who carry out quarantine with a duration of 14 x 24 hours.

m. In the event that the RT-PCR retest as referred to in letter l shows a negative result, Indonesian citizens and foreigners are allowed to continue their journey and are advised to self-quarantine for fourteen days and apply health protocols;

n. In the event of a positive result as referred to in letter l, treatment is carried out at the hospital for Indonesian citizens at the cost of being borne by the government and for foreigners at the expense of being entirely independently borne;

o. The examination of the RT-PCR test as referred to in letter l can be requested for a written comparison by filling out the form provided by the KKP or the ministry in charge of health affairs for the Jakarta and surrounding areas with the cost of the examination being borne by the foreign traveler;

p. The implementation of the RT-PCR comparison test as referred to in letter o is carried out by the laboratories of the Cipto Mangunkusumo Central General Hospital (RSCM), or the Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital (RSPAD), or the Bhayangkara Raden Said Sukanto Hospital (National Police Hospital). or simultaneously by the KKP or the laboratory in cooperation with the quarantine accommodation;

q. KKP International Airports and Seaports facilitate Indonesian citizens or foreigners traveling abroad who need emergency medical services upon arrival in Indonesia in accordance with applicable regulations;

r. K/L/regional governments that carry out functions related to Indonesian citizens and/or foreign nationals follow up on this circular letter (CL) by issuing legal instruments that are in line with and do not conflict with referring to this CL and the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations; and

s. The legal instrument as referred to in letter r is an inseparable part of this circular letter. [sources/photo special]