TIKET.COM recorded an increase in transactions of up to 180% during the Online Tiket Week (OTW) campaign period from 24 March-1 April. This online tourism service provider startup is optimistic that the demand for services during the second quarter or April-June will increase significantly.

According to the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of, Gaery Undarsa, said the increase in transactions during last week’s promotion shows that people are starting to become interested in traveling in the midst of the corona pandemic.

“We were afraid of the Omicron variant of the corona virus. However, the performance of the first quarter was very good,” said Gaery in a virtual media gathering, Monday (4/11).

The increase in transactions during the OTW campaign period compared to normal days, as follows: Visits to the platform tripled Air tickets increased by almost 70%, Accommodation increased by 130%, ToDo Tickets increased by 180%, launched ToDo service last year.

This includes activities that can be done virtually, such as online classes, webinars, film premiere galas, podcasts to live streaming tickets for celebrity events. Meanwhile, the increase in transactions during the first quarter of 2022 compared to the same period last year was as follows: Airline tickets rose 93%, Demand for land transportation services increased by more than 70%, Accommodation 80%.

“So, the first quarter was extraordinary, I am optimistic, the increase in transactions will be much greater in the second quarter. Mainly, because of the Eid holiday which reaches 10 days,” said Gaery.

During the last two years or during the corona pandemic, the government has tightened the Eid holiday schedule to anticipate the spread of the corona virus. The government also makes special rules to limit the mobility of citizens.

Now, the government has decided that the Eid holiday will fall from April 29 to May 6. This has been regulated in the Joint Statement Letter of the Minister of Religion, the Minister of Manpower, and the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform which was issued last week (7/4). With this joint leave, the public can get 10 days off starting from Friday (29/4) to Sunday (8/5).

The details are as follows: Four days of collective leave apart from national holidays, namely Friday (29 April), and Wednesday (4/5) to Friday (6/5) The Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H National Holiday falls on 2 and 3 May, and 7 and 8 May fall on Saturdays and Sundays.

“I’m very optimistic in the second quarter. I think tourism recovery will be very fast in the second quarter. It will be far beyond the first quarter,” he added.

Gaery also estimates that more foreign tourists will enter Indonesia. This is because the government has relaxed policies regarding foreign tourists. In addition, thanks to the corona pandemic, tourist destinations in Indonesia outside Bali have even become hotspots because they are more exposed. Many international tourists will start to come to the country. [sources/photo special]