ADVENTURE tourism by riding an off-road Jeep is one of the activities that can be tried while on vacation to Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta.
To enjoy a trip to ride this Jeep, tourists can order through the Instagram account @jeep_wisata_glagah_official, with different ticket prices according to the route of travel, starting from IDR200 thousand to IDR750 thousand, said Ivan Semesta from Jewiga (Jeep Wisata Glagah).
“Yes, various things. The most economical is IDR200,000. We don’t go through obstacles. We go along the lagoon, through the forest on the edge of the lagoon, continue along the coast. But we don’t have to enter obstacles. What enters the obstacle, the lagoon trip is IDR350,000. Then we will enter obstacles too. Along the coast, through the forests too,” he explained.
Ivan Semesta said that the second trip was a run-away trip to the south of the airport. If the long trip is IDR750,000. That’s all going on a trip, adding to the airport, or to the surrounding tourist attractions. If the long trip is about 4 hours.

However, Ivan explained that the price of the trip can also change according to the distance of the destination to be taken.
Among the several travel packages available, Ivan recommends a package to the lagoon. Because there, tourists can feel the challenge of passing through the water as well as very challenging derivatives and climbs.
“The best recommended is the lagoon. The problem is that he plays in the water too. So, in water obstacles, we can get wet, but there are ups and downs. Even though the climbs and derivatives are not as much as in the run away,” he said.
Furthermore, Ivan explained that this Jeep car tour had only started since last November 2021. Previously, Jewiga was a community of Jeep lovers who then collaborated with the Regional Tourism Office to open a new tourist attraction for newcomers in Kulon Progo.
“On average, friends still have their own (cars). We are a community. At first, we liked off-roading. Then previously pandemic didn’t have any events. Then we and the Kulon Progo Tourism Office on the advice of the Head of the Tourism Office, Joko Mursito made this off-road tourism programs. In one day, I can serve three to four trips when many tourists are coming to Kulon Progo,” he remarked.
Meanwhile the Head of Tourism Office, Joko Mursito added that the mutual cooperation in welcoming important guests visiting the Kulon Progo area would further strengthen the growth of tourism in Kulon Progo.
“Well, by eliminating the sectoral ego in welcoming tourism growth, we need to leave it. The era of the pandemic that has passed, and the era of economic revival, especially tourism, we welcome with a spirit of togetherness, support each other and work together,” he underlined.
Joko Mursito concluded apart from traveling, all the potential that exists here has also been involved in the development of tourism in Kulon Progo. Therefore, I hope that with these tourism potential development programs, the target of Kulon Progo’s tourism potential to become a one of national destination can be achieved. [sources/]