KULON PROGO not only has natural and cultural wealth, but also its delicious food. Among the many kinds of culinary specialties of Kulon Progo, there are three types of food that you should try when visiting one of the regencies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

The three types of food are Dawet Sambel, Geblek and Nasi Nuk Santri. Check out the complete information below:

Nasi Nuk Santri
This typical Kulon Progo food is not only delicious to eat. However, Nasi Nuk Santri also has its own history. As explained by the Head of the Tourism Village of Purwosari Kiswantoro, Nasi Nuk Santri is a dish dedicated to the memory of some of Prince Diponegoro’s soldiers.

“Nuk Santri is a food dedicated to remembering some of Prince Diponegoro’s soldiers who lived a simple life,” explained Kiswantoro when he was met at Purwosari Tourism Village, recently.

The culinary characteristic of this one is stir-fried young papaya cooked with savory and spicy spices. Not only that, the Nuk Santri menu is also equipped with urap which uses grated young coconut, eggs, and bacem tofu.

“None of the side dishes of Nuk Santri are fried. That is also what makes the food special. So this food is boiled or boiled,” said Kiswantoro.

The culinary history of Nuk Santri during the war of Prince Diponegoro in 1830 lost one of his followers in meeting the food needs by making food that is perfunctory according to the existing potential.

A food called Nuk Santri is made. The filling is rice, the vegetables are young papaya, the side dish is gereh—fresh water fish that is dried and then fried in flour. Then there is also urap with grated young coconut powder with spices.

His philosophy is to try to remember the past or the ancestral heritage of this menorah area related to the Purwosari tourist village.

Geblek and Sengek
The uniqueness of this type of culinary is that both must be eaten together. Geblek itself is a white number 8-shaped food made from cassava starch. While Sengek is tempeh that is boiled with spices. Although it has a similar texture to cireng, but geblek and cireng are different.

Dawet Sambal
Dawet drink may be familiar. But in Kulon Progo, the typical culinary is Dawet Sambal. Not only the name, the taste of this culinary is also quite unique. Cendol is generally eaten sweet, but in Kulon Progo it is eaten refreshingly spicy. [sources/photo special]