THE POSITIVE enthusiasm that has been received by the community about beauty clinics in Indonesia (RI), it’s no wonder that beauty clinics are a very promising business opportunity. Beauty clinics have their own segmentation for women and men, starting from the type of treatment to very competitive prices.

First in Indonesia, Jakarta Aesthetic Consult (JAC) is a beauty clinic consulting service company founded by business professionals who have more than 10 years experience in the aesthetics field and are proven to have established many branches of beauty clinics in a short time.

“We use applied science to assist clients in building their clinic, starting from licensing until the clinic is running. I have applied this applied knowledge at B Clinic, where during the pandemic B Clinic was able to increase turnover by up to 800% and within 2 years, we opened 17 new branches. We will apply this to help our clients,” said Hervita Wahyuni ​​as Consultant B Clinic and JAC.

She explained, the development of the beauty clinic business in Indonesia has increased tremendously over the last decade. After Korea and Thailand, Indonesia is predicted to become the largest medical aesthetic tourism destination country in Asia. This can be seen from the increasing number of beauty clinics opened in Indonesia in the last 10 years.

“In November 2022, JAC or Jakarta Aesthetic Consult, a beauty clinic consulting service company with experience in handling the establishment of 17 beauty clinics in a period of 3 years, located at Jalan Kemang Raya no. 72B, South Jakarta is officially opened,” she remarked.

JAC, continued Hervita, will provide a complete range of services starting from establishment services, licensing fees, HR recruitment and training, including beauty machines registered with the Ministry of Health, creation of HR SOPs and KPIs, establishment of target and commission systems, training and recruitment of doctors. It has been proven to establish 17 clinics with an average BEP of 2 years.

“The goal is to make it easier for clinic owners not to bother managing the establishment of a beauty clinic, but want a profitable and auto-pilot beauty clinic business,” she added after the JAC opening ceremony.

As a professional clinic establishment service, Jakarta Aesthetic Consult (JAC) provides several appropriate and appropriate package options. In JAC’s hands, all dreams of having your own beauty clinic can easily come true. []