IN PREPARING for the 2023 Lebaran season, Batik Air conducts a periodic inspection strategy or ramp check to ensure flight safety and security. In welcoming that momentum, Batik Air provides 67 aircraft consisting of 30 Boeing 737-800NG and 37 Airbus 320.

According to the Corporate Communications Strategic of Batik Air, Danang Mandala Prihantoro explained the Batik Air mechanism in periodic checks ahead of the busy Lebaran season includes a physical examination aimed at ensuring the aircraft is airworthy for flight and can operate safely.

“This inspection includes inspection of aircraft parts such as engines, seats, toilets, aircraft kitchens, avionics, landing gear, wings and navigation systems and others,” Danang said recently.

Furthermore, checking flight safety equipment to ensure that the aircraft is equipped with the necessary safety equipment consisting of seat belts, oxygen masks, life jackets (safety jackets), launching facilities, oxygen cylinders, emergency doors and windows, lighting, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers and includes checks on the safety process, namely evacuation procedures and other emergency procedures.

In addition to routine checks, Batik Air conducts special checks if there are indications of technical problems or potential problems that affect the safety of the aircraft. This inspection is carried out to find out early and can be identified and repaired.

In preparing for the busy Lebaran season, periodic checks or ramp checks are very important to ensure flight safety and security. By conducting these checks regularly, Batik Air can ensure that its aircraft and operations are in good condition and ready to handle the increasing number of passengers.

In meeting the demand for Lebaran homecoming, Batik Air optimizes the number of main aircraft in meeting the needs of passengers during the busy season of Lebaran. Batik Air prepares 67 aircraft, consisting of 30 Boeing 737-800NG and 37 Airbus 320.

In addition, the airline also prepares backup aircraft as a precautionary measure in case of problems with the main aircraft. This backup aircraft will be used as a substitute for the main aircraft in the event of technical problems or other errors.

“We also carry out proper maintenance and repair of aircraft using scheduled and non-scheduled methods, so that the availability of the main aircraft is fulfilled during the 2023 Lebaran momentum,” he said.

In implementing an effective and efficient aircraft usage policy during the Lebaran high season based on major airports (main hub) consisting of Kualanamu (KNO), Jakarta (CGK), Jakarta (HLP), Surabaya (SUB), Makassar (UPG), Bali (DPS) and Balikpapan (BPN), including setting the operational time of the aircraft and the use of backup aircraft if needed. [sources/photo special]