DEPOK City, West Java is thrilled to announce that Depok is one of the areas included in the nomination for the 2023 UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN).

Seeing this, Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris responded positively to the appointment of Depok City as one of the regions that was nominated for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) 2023 Creative Cities Network. The appointment of Depok City to represent Indonesia at the UNESCO Creative Cities Event in the field of creative media arts, decided by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

According to him, said the City of Depok is very confident as a delegation from West Java to become Depok City of Media Arts or City of Media Arts.

“The progress of the City of Depok since its establishment (27 April 1999), with development efforts that are progressing rapidly, is the time for Depok to be confident to become a West Java delegation, after the City of Bandung in 2015 became the City of Design,” said Mohammad Idris, Thursday (6/8) , 2023.

Idris explained that Depok City must appear as a creative city according to its potential and capacity as a growing city at the age of 24, in the field or category of media arts. Depok has the political will from the leadership level to the offices, the potential for productive age is around 71% of Depok’s population which reaches 2.2 million people.

“Depok also has the ability to support a budget with adequate PAD (Regional Original Income), currently the value is IDR1.644 trillion. In fact, changes were also made by him for Depok City. This is because Depok will have a Creative Center or Creative Building as a creative center for the community,” Idris remarked.

He concluded that hopefully Depok will have a Creative Center, then there will be a place for young people to be creative in the Depok City Square Park area, and a place for young people to be creative in the City Forest Square Park in the Sawangan Bojongsari area.

Meanwhile the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, in “The Weekly Press Briefing, Monday (6/5), 2023 said congratulated the City of Depok with the creative field of media arts which have prepared themselves to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

“Hopefully this can increase creativity and creative economic ecosystems in cities and regencies in Indonesia,” Sandiaga Uno noted.

Depok City was chosen as a UCCN candidate for the 2023 period because it was considered to best meet the criteria of the 19 assessment indicators set by UNESCO. Indonesia itself already has four cities that have received the UCCN title, namely Pekalongan as a city of crafts and folk art, Bandung as a city of design, Ambon as a city of music, and Jakarta as a city of literature. [ special]