THE LIST of countries with the highest level of peace and security in the world is revealed again through the global peace index (The Global Peace Index). The index created by the Institute for Economics and Peace covers more than 99% of the world’s population and uses specific indicators, as well as reliable sources.

In the process, this index also considers public safety and security, domestic and international conflicts, as well as the level of militarization. So, here are the 10 safest countries in the world, including those that maintain the peace and safety of their residents.

1. Iceland
For 14 years, Iceland has been the safest and most peaceful country in the world. The main reason this Nordic country has a safe environment is its small population and high standard of living.

The lack of tension between social classes, and the high level of trust in the police, are good indicators in this country. In addition, Iceland also protects equality among its citizens and does not have a military.

2. Denmark
Denmark is not only the second safest country in the world, it is also the happiest country.

This European country excels in providing a safe and fair place for its citizens, as well as providing free higher education and health care.

Danish society also enjoys a government free of corruption and makes security a top priority. There is very little crime in this country, because early intervention and prevention is a major factor.

3. Ireland
Ireland is ranked third as the safest country in the world, which is a significant improvement from the previous 11th position.

In this country there are still some crimes, such as pickpocketing in tourist areas or fights in bars due to the influence of alcohol. However, Ireland still has a very low crime rate compared to other countries.

In addition, Ireland also has a low level of threats from terrorism, political corruption and cultural violence. Then, the residents also enjoy financial freedom and a high quality of life.

4. New Zealand
As the first non-European country on the list, New Zealand is a peaceful island and cultural nation in the Southwest Pacific Ocean.

The crime rate is very low, and violent crime is also very rare. New Zealanders value diversity and equality, and prioritize relationships with local communities.

The country also has a stable government and a solid economy. With its beautiful weather and lack of dangerous animals, people can really relax in this country.

5. Austria
This landlocked European country is the fifth safest country in the world. Although petty theft in tourist areas may occur, crime is serious, and violence is almost non-existent.

Austria has a rich culture and a strong economy, which sustains its inhabitants. The country also has a high-quality education and health care system. Evidently, happy and content residents are less likely to engage in violent or criminal behavior.

6. Singapore
Singaporeans have a high sense of security and positive interactions with law enforcement, more than most countries in the world.

Due to strict law enforcement and punishment, people are often deterred from committing heinous acts. Singapore also has a sophisticated surveillance system.

Citizens are proactive in reporting criminal behavior, the police are reliable, and the legal system is transparent, all adding to the security of this country.

7. Portugal
This Southern European country was once ranked 18th on the list of the safest countries in the world. However, Portugal has made great strides to climb the ladder to a safer level.

The country has significantly lowered the unemployment rate and increased police presence. These two factors drastically reduced crime.

Plus, Portugal is a friendly, family-centered environment. The country consistently ranks as one of the best places to retire for both safety and standard of living.

8. Slovenia
As a mountainous country in central Europe, Slovenia has extraordinary landscapes, as well as a very good quality of life for its citizens.

The country became a democratic government in the 1990s and since then has improved many areas of life for both residents and visitors.

Slovenia is an excellent country for tourism due to travel safety and low crime rates. On the other hand, Slovenia also has a stable economy and democracy, providing its citizens with a high level of peace and security.

9. Japan
The Japanese believe in national character and social harmony. They also avoid conflict and adhere to hierarchy in relationships, both personally and professionally.

Japan has very little internal conflict and a very low crime rate. The country also has strict laws and preventive measures to reduce petty theft, as well as political unrest which almost never occurs.

10. Switzerland
Switzerland is the tenth safest country in the world, with the most offenses being petty theft. This European country has a stable economy, low crime rate, and democratic government.

The population is also generally wealthy, enjoys excellent health care, and has a very high standard of living. Then, Swiss law is respected among its citizens, giving law enforcement officers the go-ahead to do their job conscientiously. [sources/photo special]