PLANNING a vacation to an amusement park is sometimes not cheap. Insider reported, Wednesday (9/06), 2023 Rachael Saldana, a travel planning expert said that to start with preparing a budget.

Here are money-saving tips to help make travel more affordable for families:
1. Order as soon as possible to lock in the price
Once you’ve considered your budget, you should book as soon as possible. Ideally, if you’re going on a trip to a popular entertainment venue, book tickets six months to a year before you intend to leave, experts tell Insider. If a travel agent or entertainment venue increases the price, the price on the message will not change.

2. Be smart when you go
With so many people visiting the park, the best way to get the most out of it is to buy tickets when the prices are lowest, have the fewest crowds, and the weather is ideal.

During the summer holidays, early June is often the most cost-effective time. If you’re traveling to an amusement park in a country with four seasons, the first week of June tends to be a cheaper time to visit in the summer, and the temperatures aren’t quite as hot as August.

The end of August is also a less expensive time to visit, so it’s another option for families whose kids are back in school after Labor Day for the American nation.

3. Develop a budget strategy
Strategizing how much to save each week, automating your savings, or establishing a reserve fund are just a few ways you can budget for a big trip, past travel expert tells Insider’s Alene Laney.

4. Book a hotel when prices are first released
As with anything else when it comes to travel, the rule of thumb is to book in advance. It also means coordinating your hotel stay in advance.

Rachael Saldana, Disney travel planning expert at Allonsy Travel, who has a background in revenue management, recommends being careful when hotel prices are first released and booking your stay around this time.

“When rates are first released, those rates are the cheapest. Revenue managers just want to see what appeal they’re getting and where the demand dates are, and then they adjust based on that. So when pricing is first released, it’s rates the most economical,” said Saldana.

5. Avoid extra expenses by arriving early
Waking up at 6am can be a difficult task, especially if you are from an earlier time zone. But it will give the best results.

Other people won’t be up that early, so visitor numbers at any time of year will always be the lowest if you leave early. Also, especially during the summer months, temperatures will be at their coldest as soon as the park opens.

But this is where it stops you from spending extra money and avoiding the extra costs of on line reservation systems or VIP tour experiences for still having fairly short lines.

6. Buy gift cards that offer lots of discounts
Travel experts suggest buying discounted gift cards, which usually carry funds that can be used for anything from theme park purposes from merchandise to theme park tickets to food and resort reservations.

Some stores sometimes sell them at a discount, so you don’t need a credit card or membership card. [antaranews/photo special]