CHAIRMAN of the Association of Indonesian Archaeologists (IAAI), Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, (Jabodetabek) Regional Commissariat Dr. Dyah Chitraria Liestyati, M.Si asked the National Museum of Indonesia to collect detailed data on the impact of fires on the museum’s collections so that appropriate handling steps can be identified.

“Requesting the management of the National Museum of Indonesia to collect detailed data on the impact of fire on museum collections, artifacts and buildings so that we can know in real terms the appropriate handling steps, both for artifact collections, collection storage spaces and supporting buildings,” he said in an official statement on Sunday (9/17), 2023.

Dyah also stated that the fire at the National Museum of Indonesia (MNI) was a major, shocking disaster and of course no one wanted it.

It was reported that fire had destroyed part of MNI Building A, which was an exhibition space for ethnographic collections, prehistoric artifacts, cultural collections and the like. The damage suffered by museum collection objects cannot be replaced, either in form or value, by anything.

In the points he conveyed, the National Museum of Indonesia holds a selected collection of Indonesian cultural treasures, some of which are even the only ones in Indonesia.

Therefore, guaranteeing that it is maintained, preserved and safe from loss or destruction is an absolute requirement for the national identity and pride of the Indonesian people.

He also asked the government and House of Representatives (DPR-RI) to fight for the Museum Law and the Indonesian Museum Board so that the management and protection of museums can be implemented comprehensively.

“We ask the government, DPR-RI, and the ranks that oversee it to appreciate the National Museum of Indonesia not only for its buildings and collections as objects alone but also for the values contained therein, so that the risk mitigation and security system of the National Museum of Indonesia must be guaranteed. and infrastructure,” reads the next point written.

From this incident, Dyah also invited various parties and all levels of society to work together to care for and protect the cultural riches of the Indonesian nation in museums and cultural reserves.

He also supports an in-depth investigation by relevant officials into the causes and sources of the fire that occurred at the National Museum of Indonesia which occurred on Saturday evening, September 16 2023.

IAAI Jabodetabek hopes that there will still be many collections of artifacts that can be saved and can be preserved as well as possible for the sake of science and the pride of the Indonesian nation in general, and future generations in particular. [antaranews]