ENJOY the beauty of Labuan Bajo Tourism to explore the Komodo National Park (KNP) in Labuan Bajo City, the plane ticket prices offered vary greatly. Below are the prices for plane tickets from Kupang to Labuan Bajo City to visit Labuan Bajo Tourism.

You can get plane ticket prices starting from IDR1 million from Kupang to Labuan Bajo City using Wings Air, Super Air Jet and Lion Air planes. Since Tuesday (26/9) there have been 15 flights available with Wings Air, Super Air Jet and Lion Air, plane ticket prices offered starting from IDR1 million to arrive at Labuan Bajo City and surround Labuan Bajo Tourism.

Super Air Jet is scheduled for one flight at 10.55 WITA, plane ticket prices start at IDR2 million. The Wings Air plane has two flights at 07.50 WITA and 10.50 WIT with a price of IDR1 million. Meanwhile, the Lion Air plane is scheduled to have 13 flights at 06.15, 09.35 and 13.30 WITA with a price of IDR2 million.

The following are the prices for plane tickets for the Kupang route to Labuan Bajo City tomorrow Tuesday 26 September 2023 as reported by today Monday (25/9) to visit Labuan Bajo Tourism with Super Air Jet, Lion Air and Citilink aircraft:
1. Wings Air (1 Stop), Kupang: 07.50 WITA, Arriving Labuan Bajo: 09.45 WITA. Travel Time: 1 Hour 55 Minutes, Price: IDR1,810,000 per person.
2. Wings Air (1 Stop), Kupang: 10.50 WITA – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 13.00 WITA, Travel Time: 2 Hours 10 Minutes. Price: IDR1,810,000 per person.
3. Super Air Jet (1 Stop) Kupang: 10.55 WITA – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 15.55 WITA, Travel Time: 4 Hours 20 Minutes. Price: IDR2,087,500 per person.
4. Lion Air, AirAsia (1 Stop+1 H), Kupang: 13.30 WITA – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 08.25 WIT. Travel Time: 18 Hours 55 Minutes, Price: IDR2,367,540 per person.
5. Lion Air, AirAsia (2 stops+1h), Kupang: 09.35 WIT – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 08.25 WITA. Travel Time: 22 Hours 50 Minutes, Price: IDR2,622,480 per person.
6. Lion Air, AirAsia (2 Stops + 1 H), Kupang: 06.15 WIT – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 08.25 WIT. Travel Time: 26 Hours 10 Minutes. Price: IDR2,622,480 per person.
7. Lion Air, AirAsia (1 Stop + 1 H), Kupang: 13.30 WITA – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 16.55 WIT. Travel Time: 27 Hours 25 Minutes. Price: IDR2,662,590 per person.
8. Lion Air, AirAsia (2 stops+1h), Kupang: 09.35 WIT – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 08.25 WITA. Travel Time: 22 Hours 50 Minutes. Price: IDR2,685,480 per person.
9. Lion Air, AirAsia (2 stops+1h), Kupang: 09.35 WIT – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 08.25 WITA. Travel Time: 22 Hours 50 Minutes. Price: IDR2,685,480 per person.

10. Lion Air, AirAsia (2 stops+1h), Kupang: 09.35 WIT – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 16.55 WIT. Travel Time: 31 Hours 20 Minutes. Price: IDR2,917,530 per person.
11. Lion Air, AirAsia (2 stops+1h), Kupang: 09.35 WIT – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 16.55 WITA. Travel Time: 31 Hours 20 Minutes. Price: IDR2,980,530 per person.
12. Lion Air, AirAsia (2 stops+1h), Kupang: 09.35 WITA – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 16.55 WITA. Travel time: 31 hours 20 minutes. Price: IDR3,074,925 per person.
13. Citilink, AirAsia (2 Stop+1 H), Kupang: 06.40 WITA – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 16.55 WITA. Travel Time: 34 Hours 15 Minutes. Price: IDR4,396,210 per person.
14. Citilink, AirAsia (2 Stop+1 H), Kupang: 06.40 WIT – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 16.55 WIT, Travel Time: 34 Hours 15 Minutes. Price: IDR4,396,210 per person.
15. Citilink, Batik Air (2 Stop+1 H), Kupang: 06.40 WITA – Arrival Labuan Bajo: 16.40 WITA. Travel Time: 34 Hours 0 Minutes. Price: IDR4,459,945 per person. Enjoy the beauty of Labuan Bajo City. [sources/photo special]