THE SINGAPORE Tourism Board (STB) introduces Made in Singapore, its latest global campaign to inspire tourists to choose Singapore as their next travel destination. This campaign gives a new touch to the Passion Made Possible1 destination brand by offering uniquely Singaporean experiences, from iconic attractions to hidden gems, as well as how Singapore turns ordinary moments into extraordinary ones.

According to Mohamed Hafez Marican, Area Director, Indonesia, Singapore Tourism Board Jakarta, in his press release said we are happy to introduce the Made in Singapore campaign to tourists in Indonesia. Singapore has always been a popular destination for Indonesian tourists, and this new campaign will provide unique tourism experiences that can only be found in Singapore.

“From iconic attractions to previously unthinkable activities, Made in Singapore invites Indonesian tourists to come and experience the transformation from ordinary to extraordinary in Singapore. With the strong foundation that makes Singapore an attractive destination for both recreation and business, the country’s tourism sector is poised for strong growth significant,” he said.

Hafez Marican explained, however, that competition between tourist destinations was increasing, along with changes in tourism travel behavior. A study conducted in November 2021 with more than 3,000 respondents in 10 overseas markets found that more than 60% of people are looking for meaningful travel experiences, and nearly 80% of those planning meaningful trips are looking for inspiring destinations.

“The Made in Singapore campaign aims to keep Singapore a top destination in the minds of tourists by showcasing the country’s unique characteristics: An inspiring destination, City in Nature, which is not only lively and cosmopolitan, but also has a strong multicultural heritage,” he said. .

To build emotional connection and inspire travelers to visit Singapore, the campaign adopts a bolder and more playful approach to convey the Made in Singapore spirit: where a twist on the familiar creates a different and special holiday.

He added, from forest bathing in an unexpected location, Jewel Changi Airport’s Rain Vortex, to sweating while eating at the Lau Pa Sat culinary center, and watching a colorful “air-show” at the newly opened Mandai Bird Paradise, Singapore makes dreams come true be real and inspiring.

As global travel picks up, STB expects visitor arrivals this year to recover to around 12 to 14 million, and tourism receipts to around S$18 to S$21 billion, about two-thirds to three-quarters of 2019 pre-COVID-19 levels.

Made in Singapore will be launched in Singapore’s key markets globally, including China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States. Apart from films and social media, the campaign will also include various local activations in the Singapore market, industry partnerships, collaborations with content creators, as well as travel involving media and influencers to experience Made in Singapore.

“Made in Singapore replaces STB’s SingapoReimagine international tourism recovery campaign which was launched in November 2020 to revive interest in traveling to Singapore,” concluded Mohamed Hafez Marican. [sources/photo special]