PRESIDENT Jokowi will carry out the groundbreaking of the Very Very Important Person (VVIP) airport at

Nusantara National Capital (IKN), in early November 2023. This was revealed by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono.

Basuki explained that the auction process for the project had already begun. “Yes, on November 1-2 he will be groundbreaking. Pak Jokowi is groundbreaking,” said Basuki when met at the State Palace, Tuesday (10/3), 2023.

Basuki explained that the source of funds for developing this airport would also involve funding allocation from the Ministry of Transportation for the airport terminal.

“Later, the Minister of Transportation will have the terminal, PUPR will have the airstripe. That’s 2 point for Public Works alone,” said Basuki.

The IKN Nusantara VVIP Airport project has been auctioned by PUPR with a development package value of IDR4.28 trillion. The construction of this project comes from the State Budget and Revenue (APBN) for the 2023 fiscal year. The winner of the auction will be determined on October 26 2023 and the contract signing is targeted to take place on November 1 2023.

The government has determined the location of this VVIP Airport. VVIP IKN Airport will have a runway of 3,000 x 45 meters and is capable of landing large-body aircraft such as Boeing 777-300 ER and Airbus A380. The apron capacity can accommodate 3 large body aircraft (Wide Body) plus 1 small body aircraft (Narrow Body); or 7 narrow body aircraft (Narrow Body); and the helipad capacity accommodates 3 (three) helicopters.

The VVIP IKN Airport Terminal was built on an area of 7,000 m2 with VVIP ± 1500 m2. Elements of local wisdom that are highlighted in the design of the airport terminal include the nuances of the Long House, the Rangkok Bird, and typical Kalimantan curved line paintings.

Previously, the Ministry of Transportation had proposed additional budget requirements in 2024 worth IDR554 billion. The Ministry of Transportation has calculated that the budget requirement for VVIP airports at IKN in the 2023 and 2024 budget years will reach IDR680 billion.

Meanwhile Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi previously revealed that currently the VVIP IKN Airport project has entered finalization of drawings, and is targeted for completion by mid-July 2024.

“We plan that construction will start on November 1, 2023, and we hope it will be completed by mid-July 2024,” said Budi Karya in a written statement, quoted on Saturday (09/23), 2023. [sources/photo special]