ARTOTELGroup succeeded in winning the 2023 PR Programs of the Year award for the ESG Campaign category with the theme The Art of Goodness in People. This award event was held recently at the Prof. Auditorium & Performance Hall. Dr. Djayusman, LSPR Institute of Communications & Business. With accumulated points of 271.67, ARTOTELGroup succeeded in getting the excellent title so that it was ranked in the top two of all 14 participating companies.

Since the beginning of 2022, ARTOTELGroup has focused on running the ESG (Environment, Social, Good Governance) program with the theme “The Art of Goodness” where there are three things of concern, namely The Art of Goodness in Nature, The Art of Goodness in People, and The Art of Goodness in Business. As an implementation of The Art of Goodness in People, ARTOTELGroup collaborates with one of the foundations that houses individuals with special needs with autism, namely MATALESOGE Special Need Services.

With assistance from MATALESOGE as a consultant service that provides services to individuals with special needs, ARTOTELGroup will turn its hotel chain into a property that is friendly to individuals with special needs. To achieve this, several activities have been carried out, including a training program for hotel staff in recognizing and serving the needs of hotel guests with special needs, ARTOTELGroup and its hotel chain are willing to become a job training place for individuals with special needs and create ARTSPACE (gallery). ARTOTEL’s signature art) as a place to exhibit works of art by individuals with special needs.

Apart from these activities, in order to celebrate International Autism Day, ARTOTELGroup and MATALESOGE successfully held the Autism Day at ARTOTEL event on May 13 2023 at ARTOTEL Thamrin Jakarta with the theme “Pulasan Appearance of Movement, Painting, Work of the Soul” which attracted a lot of attention, especially among practitioners and parents of children with special needs.

In this activity, which is also supported by the Indonesian Autism Foundation (YAI), there are a series of events consisting of talk shows, art workshops, painting exhibitions, music performances and fashion shows which aim to provide education related to empowering the abilities & skills of individuals with special needs. The initiative and concern carried out by ARTOTELGroup towards individuals with special needs attracted attention and received high appreciation from the jury.

The jury involved in this assessment included Dr. N. Nurlaela Arief (Assistant Professor at the School of Business & Management ITB), Dr. A. Edhy Aruman (Senior Editor at SWA Media Group and Lecturer at LSPR Communications), Dr. Hifni Alifahmi, M.Si, IAPR (Teacher at the Master of Science and Technology Usahid and Master of Communication Management at UI as well as PR & Marketing Communications Consultant), Dyah Hasto Palupi (Senior Editor of SWA Media Group and author of marketing and communication books in Indonesia), and Elvera N. Makki (President of the International Association of Business Communications Indonesian chapter).

According to Eduard R. Pangkerego, Chief Operating Officer of ARTOTELGroup said, of course we are very proud that the ESG campaign activities we carried out in collaboration with MATALESOGE Special Need Services were able to get more appreciation from the jury, who in fact are communication experts and qualified media people in Indonesia. This further spurs our enthusiasm to be more creative in carrying out similar activities in the future and will certainly also bring benefits to the community.

Apart from the PR Programs of the Year 2023 award for the ESG Campaign category, Director of Marketing Communications from ARTOTELGroup, Yulia Maria also received the award as PR Practitioners of the Year 2023 for the Senior PR Practitioner category. Yulia, as she is familiarly known, also managed to achieve the title of excellent with 271 points which placed her in the top two of the 7 selected PR practitioners. []