THE TikTok account @imigration.soekarnohatta shared a post informing that now people will no longer be given immigration stamps on their passports when passing through the autogate of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Soetta). The video was shared on Thursday (10/26), 2023.

“You can’t get another immigration stamp/sticker through autogate? Yup, that’s right, when you use autogate you won’t get another immigration stamp in your passport,” said the account in the upload caption.

The video also shows how to use the autogate facility at Soetta airport. As of Saturday (10/28), 2023, the upload had been viewed more than 262,000 times. Various comments appeared regarding the upload.

Immigration explanation
Head of Immigration Information and Communication Technology, Bambang Tri Cahyono, confirmed that once you pass through the autogate at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, your passport will not get a stamp from immigration.

“That’s right, passing through the autogate means you don’t get a manual stamp anymore. The crossing data will be saved through the system,” said Bambang when contacted by, Friday (10/27), 2023.

When asked whether the absence of a stamp on the passport would not be questioned when in the destination country, he said that several countries have implemented an autogate system as well.

“Currently several countries have also implemented the autogate system, so passengers only need to say that they are leaving or returning using autogate,” he explained.

He said, to date there have been no reports regarding the problem of missing stamps due to passing through autogate, when arriving in another country.

Advantages of autogate
He explained that autogate has several advantages, namely more practical, easier and faster. On the other hand, autogate is also very safe.

He also said that autogate was in accordance with the provisions of Law number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. Here is some info regarding autogate: (1). Only for Indonesian Citizens (WNI), (2). Must be 14 years old or above, children under 14 years old can use the manual counter, (3). Electronic and manual passports can use autogate, (4). You can only do it alone, so you can’t have other passengers when passing through the autogate.

How to enter autogate
The way to bypass autogate is as follows: (1). Passengers enter the autogate device, (2). Scan the passport biodata page, (3). Look at the camera, (4). Finished.

Simple and sophisticated
According to him, the autogate system at Soetta Airport initially existed in terminal 2, then along with the opening of terminal 3, the tool was updated. This updated Autogate uses a passport scanning system, as well as fingerprint and facial biometrics.

Furthermore, since January 26 2023, the autogate tool has been updated again to be simpler but more sophisticated. This tool is used to date, both in terminal 2 and terminal 3.

Later, all autogate tools will be updated. Currently the newest autogate tool at Soekarno-Hatta Airport is at: (1). 5 autogate terminal 2 departures, (2). At 5 autogate in terminal 2 arrivals, (3). At 24 autogate in terminal 3 arrivals, (4). Meanwhile, the previous version of Autogate is at: (1). At 17 autogate in terminal 3 arrivals, (2). At 15 autogate in terminal 3 departures, (3). The autogate tool is also planned to be updated in the future. [ special]