ARTSPACE Mangkuluhur ARTOTEL Suites (MAS) is proud to once again present a special art exhibition rich in new and inspiring colors entitled “Harmony” by Yogyakarta artist Ramrama from Friday, (05/17) to August 25, 2024 with the theme of flora as the main object of the work.

According to Djulkarnain, General Manager of MAS, at the press conference to open the exhibition, he said that apart from pampering, this exhibition is also aimed at broadening the knowledge of quality art. The event, which was held at ARTSPACE, Mangkuluhur ARTOTEL Suites, featured the artwork of Ramrama, who is known for his expertise in creating unique and attractive compositions, highlighting the concept of harmony in each of his works. “Harmony” is inspired by the Greek term harmonia, which means balanced and appropriate attachment.

Meanwhile, Windi Solomo, Art Director of ARTOTELGroup, said that this exhibition illustrates the principles of natural harmony through various forms of flora that are intertwined and synergistic, to create beautiful and meaningful compositions. Each painting in this exhibition features flora in abstract form, emphasizing the interrelationship of different colors and shapes to form a unity.

“This artist, who graduated from the Yogyakarta Indonesian Art Institute, started an artistic career in since 2011 by practicing painting with the main concept of plant abstraction or flora, with an expressionist Flora, with an expressionist style, using firm and strong brush strokes,” she said.

Windi Solomon added that energetic and curved strokes are a symbol of strength and dynamism. For Rama, plants/flora have a life cycle that is no different from humans. They face various obstacles to develop and survive in their environment. This artist, who has explored a lot in the big cities of the archipelago such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Bandung, to foreign countries such as Singapore, has held various exhibition.

However, when asked about her artistic work, Ramrama replied that art is a universal language that can touch the soul and inspire the heart. In my first exhibition in Jakarta at ARTSPACE Mangkuluhur ARTOTEL Suites, I celebrated the beauty of my art in all its forms and made it the core of the experience I offer.

“The beauty of art lies in my ability to communicate emotions and ideas without the limitations of words, so that art has the power to change perceptions and broaden horizons. But for me, what is needed is a moment away from the hustle and bustle, it is very important to see and realize the happiness of simple things behind the busy lives of art lovers in Jakarta. The “Harmony” art exhibition is open to all art lovers. []