DEPUTY Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Angela Tanoesoedibjo, promoted investment in the Parapuar integrated tourism area at the 5th Komodo Travel Mart in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara.

She said that the area, spanning 400 hectares, has a Right of Management (HPL) status from the government. It is managed as a super-priority tourism destination (DPSP) by the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority Implementing Agency (BPOLBF).

“The government encourages several schemes to increase tourism in five DPSPs. One of the schemes is the creation of special economic zones (SEZs) managed by authority agencies,” she added.

Parapuar is an area managed by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy through the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority Implementing Agency (BPOLBF). The development of this area has been carried out using the Etno, Eco, Edu concept approach based on nature conservation (E3NC).

“The development of this area is carried out with a sustainability approach, which is expected to provide a quality and sustainable tourism experience for tourists,” she remarked.

The Ethno Concept itself emphasizes the importance of understanding and preserving the local cultural heritage, local wisdom and ethnic identity of Manggarai and Flores. The active involvement and participation of local communities in the development of sustainable and quality tourism is the application of the principles of community-based development and public-private-people partnership, which are part of the principles of ethno tourism.

Meanwhile, Eco is a concept that emphasizes the importance of preserving biodiversity, marine, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as environmentally friendly practices in the development and management of tourism.

Meanwhile, Edu is a concept that emphasizes increasing the knowledge, awareness and responsibility of local communities and tourists regarding the quality, sustainability and conservation of nature and culture. Conservation includes efforts to protect and restore natural ecosystems, conservation of threatened, endemic, unique and rare flora and fauna.

At the same event, acting BPOLBF president Frans Teguh convinced prospective investors about land legality in the Parapuar tourism area. The architectural style in the Parapuar area will reflect local characteristics, showcasing buildings and architectural designs that embody the beauty and cultural identity of the 11 Coordinating Districts, with a particular focus on Manggarai culture.

“The development of the Parapuar and Labuan Bajo tourism areas is expected to provide economic benefits both nationally and regionally, especially in the 11 BPOLBF Coordinating Districts.There are 400 hectares in the area under the HPL, 129 hectares of which are already ‘clean and clear’,” he said, adding that investors can immediately use the land in the area.

He concluded that the land’s legality is a guarantee for investors to build and develop the integrated tourism area. Two investors have already committed to investing US$16.2 million in Parapuar. []