THE INDONESIA’S Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy together with relevant ministries/institutions has formed the National Tourism Professional Team (TPPN) for the period 2024-2025 to realize superior and globally competitive Human Resources (HR) in accordance with the Tourism Professional Competency Standards stipulated in the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals (ASEAN MRA-TP).

“We congratulate the formation of the National Tourism Professional Team, which is expected to support the acceleration of the creation of Indonesian tourism people who are superior and internationally competitive,” said the Ministry’s Senior Expert Staff, Nia Niscaya in The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno in Jakarta, Monday (06/10), 2024.

ASEAN MRA-TP is an agreed source of reference to facilitate the movement of professionals in the tourism sector in the ASEAN region. The ASEAN MRA-TP curriculum has been agreed upon with the ASEAN Tourism Ministers since 2012 in Thailand. The agreement is intended for the state in the ASEAN region to recognize the competency standards of professional workers in the tourism sector.

Nia explained that the TPPN would ensure that the application of the ASEAN MRA-TP could be carried out well. Starting from educational institutions, training as well as certification. We must not become a market, we must be a player. In addition, we are known as good hospitality.

Meanwhile the Director of Competency Standardization of Tourism Ministry, who is also the chairman of the TPPN, Faisal, said that one of the things that TPPN will do in an effort to accelerate the implementation of ASEAN MRA-TP is through the strengthening and integration of an ASEAN data.

“Because at this point, the data is still partial in each ministry or association. This is what we need to consolidate so that when we report in meetings in ASEAN, we have a basis for the implementation of ASEAN MRA-TP,” he remarked.

Next is the addition of occupation from the number of 230 in ASEAN, currently Indonesia has only 32 occupational schemes remaining 198, so it needs acceleration.

“We are still focusing on (standards) in the area of hotel and travel, although there is already an area of MICE, events and spas that have been agreed upon in ASEAN. So, we are certainly trying to expand the areas,” Faisal added.

Furthermore, Head of Administration of the Center for the Development of Vocational Education Quality Assurance for Business and Tourism (BBPPMPV Bispar) Ministry of Education and Culture, Nana Halim, said the Ministry of Education and Culture, especially in the curriculum for SMKs, has developed the ASEAN standard curriculum since 2019. Starting from catering expertise, fashion and travel agency.

“The pilot project will be implemented in 21 vocational schools, and we have sent about 80 teachers to become a master trainer in Indonesia. This year, we are also training five classes with each class of 100 travel business teachers to be introduced to the ASEAN curriculum,” said Nana.

Likewise, the Director of Training Program Competency Standardization, Ministry of Manpower, Muh. Amir Syarifudin, said that cooperation through the presence of TPPN is very important to be able to jointly accelerate the creation of competent Indonesian human resources.

“If (standard) there is already recognition between countries, then each country must prepare. Of course, if we are better prepared, we can certainly win, we can fill our workforce outside,” Amir noted.

On the other hand, BNSP commissioner member Miftakul Azis said BNSP quality assurance from the process of vocational education and training had developed certification and qualification schemes with ASEAN standards.

“With the policies in the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the ASEAN Qualification Certification Scheme is available and soon we will also launch the ASEAN Vocational Scheme. This is a common scheme that can only be used by friends of the professional certification institute,” Azis concluded. []