THE MINISTRY of Tourism and Creative Economy encourages people to travel #DiindonesiaAja or just in Indonesia in conditions of weakening exchange rates or the exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar.

According to Ministry’s Senior Expert Staff, Nia Niscaya, in “The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno” at the Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Monday (06/24) 2024, explained that the Ministry of Tourism is also trying to strengthen the exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar in terms of the tourism and the creative economy sector.

She continued that one of which is by increasing the movement of domestic tourists by postponing trips abroad and travel #DiindonesiaAja because this is a leakage of foreign exchange, and we will make more efforts to bring in more foreign tourists because it will bring in foreign exchange.

“Domestic tourists are important, like the right pocket and the left pocket, there is economic movement between the pockets. Meanwhile, foreign tourists are like a growing bag of money (foreign exchange). The tourism sector is one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy and is a major contributor of foreign exchange,” said Nia.

She explained that is why I want to say that you should go on vacation in Indonesia, because if we go on vacation abroad, it means that our foreign exchange is leaking out when we really need foreign exchange. We need to increase foreign exchange by increasing foreign tourists.

Nia stated that domestic tourists have a fairly high level of spending when they go on vacation, including 22.82% for accommodation, 17.69% for food and beverages, 20.93% for transportation, 9.33% for souvenirs, spending on shopping 8.24% and for entertainment services 7.28%.

“Domestic tourists have started to change the characteristics of staying at a relative’s house in the past, but now they don’t, they use hotels. Also, people who used to consume food used to bring provisions, now they go to restaurants or places to eat,” Nia remarked.

She concluded that domestic and foreign tourists can increase the contribution of the tourism sector to GDP, or both can play a role in increasing economic growth. In other words, the movement of domestic tourists is for economic movement, while the movement of foreign tourists is for increasing foreign exchange. []