PRESIDENT Joko Widodo expressed his gratitude for the significant increase in Indonesia’s competitiveness ranking in 2024. In the plenary cabinet meeting held at the State Palace in Jakarta on Monday, June 24, 2024, the President said that currently Indonesia’s competitiveness ranking is 27th.

“What we should be grateful for is because here we know where we are, in what position we are. “Because in conditions like the ones I mentioned earlier, it is not easy to improve rankings in uncertain world conditions like today,” he said.

President Jokowi added that the increase in competitiveness ranking was assessed starting from the government system, the business world to the national economy. In the midst of an uncertain global economic situation, the President said that the national economy could be controlled and economic growth would also increase.

“Because our economy is good, we can control the economy, we can increase growth. This economic growth is the most important increase in Indonesia’s competitiveness,” he added.

Apart from this, the increasingly competitive business and business world in Indonesia has also contributed to the increase in Indonesia’s competitiveness ranking. “On the business efficiency side, we see the availability of labor, adequate number and skills, which puts us at the second level, as well as the effectiveness of business management,” the President continued.

For this reason, the Head of State reminded all his employees to continue to pay close attention to global and national conditions. The President believes that these two things could influence the decline in Indonesia’s competitiveness ranking.

“What does it mean? “Political stability is important, which means currency stability is important, which means increasing productivity is important,” he added.

Although the ranking has improved, President Jokowi urged all parties to pay attention to two important aspects that are still considered weak, namely health and education. According to him, these two aspects need to be improved in order to increase Indonesia’s competitiveness.

“This is what we all need to pay attention to so that we can continue to improve our competitiveness ranking every year. “I think there are two things, health and education, that need to be the main focus of the government in the future,” President Jokowi concluded. [sources/photo special]