GARUDA Indonesia continues to strengthen its commitment to introduce the various characteristics and richness of the archipelago, especially the diversity of Indonesian culinary delights, on the various flights it serves.

One of these commitments is represented by Garuda by introducing a variety of new menu choices typical of the archipelago in a program entitled Garuda Rasa. In this program, Garuda introduces culinary menus typical of various regions from Aceh to Papua.

There are three programs in Garuda Rasa, namely Signature Indonesia Dish (Nusantara Dish), Thematic Local Dish (Regional Typical Dish), and Local Snack (Nusantara Snack) which are adjusted to the flight route and duration. The Signature Indonesian Dishes that are gradually being introduced are the Sumatran, Balinese and Javanese Signature Menus on the Jakarta-Singapore and Jakarta-Denpasar routes.

One of the new inflight meals menus which has also been introduced on the Jakarta-Amsterdam return route in Business Class is Nasi Kapau which will be served to passengers on GA 88 flights on the Jakarta-Amsterdam route on Sunday (06/23), 2024.

The Nasi Padang menu option was also presented on the return flight from Amsterdam to Jakarta via flight GA 89. In the future, this variety of typical Indonesian menu will also be introduced on several other international routes.

Previously, Garuda also introduced typical Kalimantan Thematic Local Dishes such as Lontong Banjar, Ketupat Kandangan, Nasi Kuning Samarinda, and so on with a total of 12 menus which are rotated every period on flights to and from Balikpapan starting June 15 2024.

According to the President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra said the Garuda Rasa program is a form of Garuda’s commitment as the national flag carrier in supporting the development of national culinary specialties by introducing various regional foods on Garuda flights, both domestic and international.

“It is an ongoing commitment for us at Garuda as a national flight carrier not only to provide safe and comfortable air transportation services for service users, but also to bring the best characteristics of the Indonesian nation as a nation rich in culture, tourism, culinary, to creative products,” explained Irfan.

Furthermore, he said, later through the Garuda Rasa program, Garuda will also introduce Thematic Local Dish Aceh and North Sumatra on flights to and from Banda Aceh and Medan, especially in welcoming the National Sports Week (PON) next September. Meanwhile, the Local Snack dish is planned to be presented on the Jakarta-Solo route in Business Class with a menu typical of Indonesian snacks.

With the introduction of a variety of new Indonesian specialties in Garuda’s in-flight meals, he hopes that Indonesian culinary delights will become increasingly well known to various corners of the world. In the future, Garuda will explore various Indonesian culinary options which we can optimize into new signature menus in Garuda Indonesia’s in-flight meals. [sources/photo special]